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US Foreign Policy on China

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2 US Foreign Policy on China
US considered China a “sphere of influence” Promoted Open Door Policy- urging European nations to respect fair trade competition in China Chinese were angered by foreigners’ lack of respect for Chinese culture – Boxer rebellion


4 US Foreign Policy on Cuba
US supported Cuba’s rebellion against Spain and eventually joined in a short war against Spain Cuba gained independence but US insisted on the PLATT AMENDMENT – restricted Cuban independence and gave US military rightss


6 US Foreign Policy on the Dominican Republic
1899 Ulises Heureaux, long-time leader of DR, was assassinated leaving large foreign debt Based on the Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine, TR agreed to assume the country’s foreign debt in return for the right to collect Dominican import duties Taft continued promoting Dollar Diplomacy but many resented US presence


8 US Foreign Policy on Hawaii
Many Americans settled on islands and became prosperous sugar plantation owners Queen Liliuokalani came to power and tried to restore Hawaiian control of the islands 1893 white planters, aided by US troops, organized a successful revolt against the queen 1898 US annexed the islands


10 US Foreign Policy on Mexico
Mexican Revolution in 1910 against Porfirio Diaz US investors supported new brutal dictator Victoriano Huerta Wilson hated Huerta and supported rival Carranza (thought he would bring democracy) Carranza seized power but refused to adhere to US demands US sends troops to try to capture Pancho Villa but withdraws troops when it entered WWI


12 US Foreign Policy on Panama
US wanted to build Panama Canal but Colombia refused 1903 US naval forces assisted an armed rebellion of Panamanians overthrow of Colombian rule 1921 US apologized and paid Colombia $25 million for the acquisition of the canal zone


14 US Foreign Policy on the Philippines
1898 US forces and Filipino forces led by Emilio Aguinaldo defeated Spanish troops (part of the Spanish/American War) Aguinaldo claimed he had been promised independence for the Philippines but his claims were denied by the US Filipinos rebelled against us forces, but the revolt was crushed after a three-year bloody and brutal war


16 US Foreign Policy on Puerto Rico
After Spanish-American War, Spain ceded Puerto Rico to the US US business took advantage of cheap labor and natural resources By 1930 US investors owned 60% of public utilities and banking, 80%of tobacco plants, 60% of sugar industry and all overseas shipping Many resented US rule

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