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Z z as in zoo (graph) zz as in sizzle (digraph) s as in prism (graph) si as in erosion (diagraph) ss as in scissors (diagraph) ge as in garage (diagraph)

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Presentation on theme: "Z z as in zoo (graph) zz as in sizzle (digraph) s as in prism (graph) si as in erosion (diagraph) ss as in scissors (diagraph) ge as in garage (diagraph)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Z z as in zoo (graph) zz as in sizzle (digraph) s as in prism (graph) si as in erosion (diagraph) ss as in scissors (diagraph) ge as in garage (diagraph)

2 Word Lists r 1 2 3 4 5 6 zoo zip jazz buzz fizz
zipper zigzag zebra frizzy fizzle drizzle sizzle prison present realise zoological zucchini ziplock resident president prism journalism criticism hypnotism flimsy scissors garage division television confusion conclusion emission illusion expression revision decision detention collision erosion admission commission confession conversion transfusion explosion aggression circumfusion depression extraversion extroversion measure pleasure treasure leisure measuring antidepression bioconversion hypertension hypotension miscomprehension omission resubmission suspension leisurely treasured

3 5 aggression circumfusion depression extraversion extroversion measure pleasure treasure leisure measuring

4 6 antidepression bioconversion hypertension hypotension miscomprehension omission resubmission suspension leisurely treasured

5 Handwriting 31/8/15 s ss si s ss si leisure measure treasure measuring treasured leisurely 1. She’ll need a ____ holiday. 2. Pirates always search for _____. 3. We are _____ length in Maths.

6 Handwriting 1/9/15 s ss si s ss si antidepression resubmission hypertension suspension 1. I need ______ medicine. 2. _____ is high blood pressure. 3. You have 5 days _____ for fighting in the school yard.

7 aggression ag/gres/sion = 3 AGGRESSION a-gg-r-e-s-si-o-n =8 say spell
feelings of anger or antipathy resulting in hostile or violent behaviour a-gg-r-e-s-si-o-n =8  ag/gres/sion = 3 sounds syllables

8 circumfusion cir/cum/fu/sion= 4 CIRCUMFUSION
say spell CIRCUMFUSION to pour or diffuse around; spread; surround c-i-r-c-u-m-f-u-si-o-n = 11  cir/cum/fu/sion= 4 sounds syllables

9 feelings of severe despondency and dejection
depression say spell DEPRESSION feelings of severe despondency and dejection d-e-p-r-e-s-si-o-n =9  de/pres/sion= 3 sounds syllables

10 e-x-t-r-o-v-er-si-o-n = 10
say spell EXTROVERSION the act, state, or habit of being concerned with and obtaining gratification from what is outside the self e-x-t-r-o-v-er-si-o-n = 10  ex/tro/ver/sion = 4 sounds syllables

11 e-x-t-r-a-v-er-si-o-n = 10
say spell EXTRAVERSION one of the basic personality types, an extravert is high on sociability, talkativeness, energy and assertiveness e-x-t-r-a-v-er-si-o-n = 10  ex/tra/ver/sion= 4 sounds syllables

12 measure mea/sure = 2 MEASURE m-ea-s-ur-e = 4 say spell sounds
ascertain the size, amount, or degree of (something) by using an instrument or device marked in standard units m-ea-s-ur-e = 4  mea/sure = 2 sounds syllables

13 a feeling of happy satisfaction and enjoyment
pleasure say spell PLEASURE a feeling of happy satisfaction and enjoyment p-l-ea-s-ur-e = 5  plea/sure = 2 sounds syllables

14 a quantity of precious metals, gems, or other valuable objects
treasure say spell TREASURE a quantity of precious metals, gems, or other valuable objects t-r-ea-s-ur-e = 5 trea/sure = 2 sounds syllables

15 time when one is not working or occupied; free time
leisure say spell LEISURE time when one is not working or occupied; free time l-ei-s-ur-e = 4  lei/sure= 2 sounds syllables

16 assess the importance, effect, or value of (something)
measuring say spell MEASURING assess the importance, effect, or value of (something) m-ea-s-ur-i-ng = 6  mea/sur/ing = 3 sounds syllables

17 antidepression an/ti/de/pres/sion = 5 ANTIDEPRESSION
say spell ANTIDEPRESSION opposing or countering depression a-n-t-i-d-e-p-r-e-s-si-o-n = 13  an/ti/de/pres/sion = 5 sounds syllables

18 b-i-o-c-o-n-v-er-si-o-n =11
say spell BIOCONVERSION the conversion of one chemical compound, or one form of energy, into another by living organisms b-i-o-c-o-n-v-er-si-o-n =11 bio/con/ver/sion = 4 sounds syllables

19 hypertension HYPERTENSION h-y-p-er-t-e-n-si-o-n = 10
say spell HYPERTENSION abnormally high blood pressure h-y-p-er-t-e-n-si-o-n = 10  hy/per/ten/sion = 4 sounds syllables

20 hypotension hy/po/ten/sion = 4 HYPOTENSION h-y-p-o-t-e-n-si-o-n = 10
say spell HYPOTENSION abnormally low blood pressure h-y-p-o-t-e-n-si-o-n = 10  hy/po/ten/sion = 4 sounds syllables

21 miscomprehension mis/com/pre/hen/sion = 5 MISCOMPREHENSION
say spell MISCOMPREHENSION  to get a wrong idea of or about something: to misunderstand m-i-s-c-o-m-p-r-e-h-e-n-si-o-n = 15  mis/com/pre/hen/sion = 5 sounds syllables

22 someone or something that has been left out or excluded
omission say spell OMISSION someone or something that has been left out or excluded o-m-i-s-si-o-n =7  o/mis/sion = 3 sounds syllables

23 resubmission re/sub/mis/sion = 4 r-e-s-u-b-m-i-s-si-o-n =11
say spell RESUBMISSION submit (something, such as a plan, application, or resignation) again r-e-s-u-b-m-i-s-si-o-n =11  re/sub/mis/sion = 4 sounds syllables

24 suspension sus/pen/sion = 3 SUSPENSION s-u-s-p-e-n-si-o-n = 9 say
spell SUSPENSION the action of suspending someone or something or the condition of being suspended (temporarily prevented from continuing something) s-u-s-p-e-n-si-o-n = 9 sus/pen/sion  = 3 sounds syllables

25 acting or done at leisure; unhurried or relaxed
leisurely say spell LEISURELY acting or done at leisure; unhurried or relaxed l-ei-s-ur-e-l-y = 6 lei/sure/ly = 3 sounds syllables

26 keep carefully (a valuable or valued item)
treasured say spell TREASURED keep carefully (a valuable or valued item) t-r-ea-s-ur-e-d = 7  treas/ured = 2 sounds syllables

27 5 one of the basic personality types, an extravert is high on sociability, talkativeness, energy and assertiveness to pour or diffuse around; spread; surround ascertain the size, amount, or degree of (something) by using an instrument or device marked in standard units the act, state, or habit of being concerned with and obtaining gratification from what is outside the self a feeling of happy satisfaction and enjoyment time when one is not working or occupied; free time feelings of severe despondency and dejection a quantity of precious metals, gems, or other valuable objects assess the importance, effect, or value of (something) feelings of anger or antipathy resulting in hostile or violent behaviour

28 6 to get a wrong idea of or about something: to misunderstand
someone or something that has been left out or excluded the conversion of one chemical compound, or one form of energy, into another by living organisms acting or done at leisure; unhurried or relaxed abnormally low blood pressure keep carefully (a valuable or valued item) abnormally high blood pressure the action of suspending someone or something or the condition of being suspended (temporarily prevented from continuing something) submit (something, such as a plan, application, or resignation) again opposing or countering depression

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