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When the heart rules the mind

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Presentation on theme: "When the heart rules the mind"— Presentation transcript:

1 When the heart rules the mind
Emotions When the heart rules the mind

2 Fear Tense Anxious Afraid Nervous Worried Concerned Scared Insecure

3 Tense Feeling uncomfortable and anxious and full of pent up

4 Anxious Worried or uneasy about the anticipated event.

5 Afraid/Scared Filled with fear.

6 Nervous/Worried Marked by or having a feeling of unease or apprehension.

7 Concerned Characterized by or indicative of distress or affliction or danger or need.

8 Insecure Not sure or certain; doubtful.

9 SAD Dejected Depressed Melancholy Sorrowful Dismal Blue Down
Gloomy/glum Forlorn Low

10 Dejected/Low In low spirits; downhearted.

11 Depressed Feeling of emotional regret, sadness, and wanting of some relief.

12 Melancholy/Low Sadness or depression of the spirits that may take a more physical form.

13 Sorrowful/Blue/Down Mental suffering or pain caused by injury, loss, or despair.

14 Gloomy/Glum/Dismal Dreary; To feel, appear, or act despondent, sad, or mournful.

15 Forlorn Appearing sad or lonely because deserted or abandoned.

16 HAPPY Cheerful Delighted Glad Pleased Elated Thrilled Humor

17 Cheerful/Delighted Having a happy disposition; pleasantly bright.

18 Glad Experiencing or exhibiting joy and pleasure.

19 Pleased To give enjoyment, pleasure, or satisfaction to; make glad or contented.

20 Elated/Thrilled Extremely happy and excited.

21 Humor The ability to perceive, enjoy, or express what is amusing, comical, incongruous, or absurd.

22 GUILT Ashamed Judged Damned Undeserving Disgrace Villain Remorse

23 Ashamed Feeling inferior, inadequate, or embarrassed.

24 Judged To form an opinion or evaluation.

25 Damned Condemned, especially to eternal punishment.

26 Undeserving Lacking in value or merit.

27 Remorse A sense of deep regret and guilt for something one did.

28 Lack of Remorse

29 Contempt The state of being despised or dishonored; disgraced.

30 Anger Irritation Exasperation Rage Disgust Envy Torment Disappointed

31 Irritation To rouse to impatience or anger; annoy.

32 Exasperation The state of being frustrated or suffering an annoyance.

33 Rage Violent, explosive anger.

34 Disgust To offend the taste or moral sense of; to repel.

35 Torment A source of harassment, annoyance, or pain.

36 Disappointed Not successful; having failed or having an unfavorable

37 CONFIDENCE Assured Sure/certain Positive Safe Stable Balanced Grounded
Brave Proud

38 Assured Guaranteed; sure; certain; secure; bold; confident.

39 Sure/Certain Free from doubt or reservation; confident.

40 Positive Admitting of no question; stated; express; emphatic; confident in opinion or assertion.

41 Safe Involving little or no risk of mishap or error; dependable or trustworthy; careful to avoid danger or controversy.

42 Stable Steadfast; not wavering or changeable, as in character or purpose; dependable.

43 Balanced Mental steadiness or emotional stability; habit of calm behavior, judgment.

44 Brave Possessing or exhibiting courage or courageous endurance.

45 Proud Highly honorable or creditable; stately, majestic, or magnificent.

46 Sources
The Mind of Sweetwood

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