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Facebook Business Pages By Nina Agro

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1 Facebook Business Pages By Nina Agro

2 Why do you want a facebook business page?
Both Facebook users and non-Facebook users can view your Business page and you can use it to link to and from your BHG Rand websites , newsletters , post updates, promotions, and announcements relating to your business. By consistently updating your pages, you can keep your customers informed and remain relevant. When a user "Likes" or comments on your posts, that information is automatically posted to the user's Facebook feed, updating their friends and in turn increasing your brand and online presence since the page is public.

3 Business page-Key Points
What’s the difference between a Facebook business page and a facebook group? Business page-Key Points Group-key points Depending on the levels of activity within a group, direct communication fosters a community feeling among members. Groups can be public, closed or secret. Public groups are open for anyone to join. Closed groups are invitation-only, and so are secret groups but the latter are only visible to the members (you generally can’t find a secret group). Anyone can view a closed group though they may not be able to join it. Members can engage in group chats. Public- anyone can view content, shows up in Google search. Access to info about the performance of the Page, including user demographic data, through page insights. Businesses can import their entire databases and invite contacts to like the Page. A fast and convenient way to grow your audience. Businesses can schedule posts to appear at pre- designated times. People expect brands and businesses to have a Facebook Page.

4 Luckily, it’s not an either-or decision…
You can easily create a group in addition to your page. In most cases, a dedicated page is what most businesses need.

5 10 Simple Steps to Create a Facebook Business Page

6 Step 1: Log into your personal facebook account.
There are over two billion monthly active Facebook users and over a billion daily active users across the globe, so I’m assuming that you already have a personal Facebook page. If not, you can quickly set one up.

7 Step 2: select “Create a Page.”
After you’ve logged in, go to the scroll- down menu located at the top-right corner of your profile and select “Create a Page.”

8 Step 3: Select your business page category.
Select local business or place (Surprisingly, there’s no real estate specific category yet). Fill in your name and title (you should disclose your title, ie; real estate associate broker, Real Estate Salesperson), type in your business address information (office or home) and the best phone number to reach you.

9 Step 4: Upload your profile picture.
Upload a professional-looking headshot of yourself to use as your profile photo. If you want followers and page visitors to trust your brand, it’s best to use your headshot in this space. Using your Rand business card photo is a great choice (familiarity).

10 Step 5: Fill in your company info
Click “Update Info” and add in all of your pertinent business details. After that, fill in the remaining information about yourself and your company in the “About” page. Facebook users want to know that they can trust the content you will be posting. If they don’t know anything about your real estate business, including where you’re located, your credentials, and other business info, chances are they won’t want to visit your page regularly. Don’t forget to add your agent and company website address!

11 Rand Policy and Procedure Manual: Social Media Policy
“No Social Media Platform, Fan/Personal Page, or Account can use the terms “BHG Rand,” “Better Homes and Gardens Rand Realty,” “Rand Realty,” “Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate,” or any combination thereof, in their name or the name of the page or account they have set up, without Senior Management permission. Permission can be revoked at any time at company discretion.”

12 Step 6: Add a cover photo Add in a header image that abides by the dimensions laid out by Facebook so it fits your profile perfectly (If you want to use a single image that works pretty well on both desktop and mobile, 820 pixels wide by 462 pixels tall seems to be the best). It’s a good idea to switch your cover photo out regularly, perhaps featuring your logo over photos of the listings you represent, including ones you’ve sold, or even your local area. This can give page visitors, meaning prospective clients, insight into your sales history and show that you’re an active agent.

13 Here are some cover photo examples for your page
Cover photo images available "Royalty Free" from Here are some cover photo examples for your page

14 Step 7: Create a custom username
Step 7: Create a custom username. Make it simple, but creative so it’s easy to find you. When you create a custom username for your Page or profile, here are a few things to keep in mind: You can only have one username for your Page or profile and you can't claim a username that someone else is already using. Usernames can only contain alphanumeric characters (A–Z, 0–9) and periods ("."). They can't contain generic terms or extensions (.com, .net). Usernames must be at least 5 characters long. Periods (".") and capitalization can't be used to differentiate usernames. For example, johnsmith55, John.Smith55 and john.smith.55 are all considered the same username. Your username must adhere to the Facebook Statement of Rights and Responsibilities. Keep in mind that you must be an admin to create or change the username for a Page. If you're creating a new page, you may not immediately be able to create a username for your Page, and your Page's username may be removed because of inactivity. Information from Facebook Help Center

15 Step 8: Pin to shortcuts You don’t HAVE to do this step, but if you use Facebook regularly, adding your business page to your shortcuts will let you find it easily and be able to quickly toggle between your pages and accounts.

16 There are 6 different types of roles for people who manage Pages
There are 6 different types of roles for people who manage Pages. When you create a Page, you automatically become the Page's admin, which means only you can change how the Page looks and publish as the Page. Only an admin can assign roles and change others' roles. Keep in mind that multiple people can have roles on a Page, but each person needs their own personal Facebook account. Lets check them out… Step 9: Page Roles (Optional) What are the different Page roles and what can they do?


18 Step 10: Welcome to your new business page!
Woo-hoo! You’ve done it! You now have a live Facebook business page, however, you’re not done just yet! You should now go through the prompts, become familiar with the page and its capabilities, see what information you should add etc… Start thinking about what you want your page’s objective to be (what do you want to come from creating it?) Once you’ve started adding content to your page, don’t forget to start spreading the word! You’ve got to get it out there.

19 One last thing Before you go…
Add your new facebook business page url to your RandCenter account

20 Coming up… Please keep in mind that this was a preliminary step-by-step “How to create a Facebook Business page” tutorial. I will be hosting a follow-up Facebook webinar in April which will include (but not limited to): Algorithms Boosting Posts Creating Events

21 Stay tuned for my next social media webinar
Thank you! Stay tuned for my next social media webinar

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