Welcome to 7th Grade Science

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to 7th Grade Science"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to 7th Grade Science
Please find your seat

2 Who is Mrs. DeLeon? My Favorite Things Time with Family and Friends
Dallas Cowboys Dallas Mavericks and San Antonio Spurs Texas Christian University and Oklahoma University TexMex I Love the Beach Chocolate

3 How well Do You Know Mrs. DeLeon?

4 Homeroom Forms-7th Grade
Academic Misconduct Forms Personal Education Tech App. 7th Grade General Info. Nutrition Services Media Release Form Sexual Harrasment Prevention Notice and Rights to Opt Out Student Code of Conduct Book School Nurse Health Info. Health Promotion Specials Review Yearbook Sheets Due Back Friday: Student Code of Content POD Signature Page

5 Morning POD Expectations
Enter with Inside Voices Breakfast Backpacks Cell Phones Go to the restroom Stay in the POD area seated

6 General Procedures Agendas Transitions Fire Drills and Lock Downs
Always have as a pass Keep with you at ALL TIMES Buy a new one for $7 You may only use your own Transitions Locker Breaks Bathroom Use Pathway to related arts Fire Drills and Lock Downs

7 Daily Science Class Procedures
Place homework and stamp sheet on your desk Daily Science Question (DSQ) Copy Homework Silent Read Volunteers for DSQ (Participation Grade) Go over agenda and homework Activity and clean up

8 Bell Schedule 8:30 - 9:35 Period 1: Core (65)
9: :30 Period 2: Related Arts (50) 10: :35 Period 3: Core (60) 11:40 – 12:30 Period 4: Related Arts (50) 12:35 – 1:00 Period 5: Lunch (710/720) (25) BLT (730/740) 1:05 – 1: Period 6: Lunch (730/740) (25) BLT (710/720) 1:34 - 2:32 Period 7: Core (58) 2:36 - 3:35 Period 8: Core (59)

9 What if I’m Sick Where to find the work. 5 school days to make-up
Lab or Video missed-still need to get answers (only time copying is allowed. Work due when you were out is due WHEN YOU RETURN (tests and quizzes too) Be sure to get homework stamped the day you return. Make-up work vs. Late Work

10 Late Work Late class work will incur a 30% deduction
Late homework will incur a 50% deduction Projects = 10% off per day HONORS: Late work is only accepted 1st quarter

11 Lab Group Rules Read all lab procedures
Assume responsibility for your own behavior Contribute to your groups work & help any group member who needs it. Ask *3 BEFORE ME Listen to all member ideas and suggestions Follow all safety procedures Also, remember lab grades are a high percentage of your grade

12 Discipline Infractions are earned by the following: Missing Supplies
Emergency bathroom or locker 2 free passes per year Breaking lab group rules Off task Minor Disrespect Gum

13 Discipline Minor Infraction = Warning
2 Infractions/Reflection Sheets (in any class) = Detention & Parent Contact 3 Reflection Sheets = Office Referral (Administrator determines consequences) Major CI = Office Referral (Administrator determines consequences)

14 Detention Silent Lunch Detention Loss of recess

15 If you CHOOSE to follow the rules, you may earn a …
AWESOME CARD Prize Box Free Homework Free RR/Locker Break Free Seating at lunch

16 What will we learn about?
Scientific Method Chemistry Classification and Conservation of Matter Microbes & Disease Cells Genetics Human Body Ecology

17 Grading Scale

18 Do you notice you are struggling?
Mrs. DeLeon is available most days before or after school…unless I have morning duty. Please notify Mrs. DeLeon at least one day in advance.

19 What will I need for class?
Pencil/Pen Binder, agenda, and a silent reading book. 1 folder to leave in class Textbook – usually stays home Glue Stick, scissors or colored pencils

20 You are probably Remember Every choice has a consequence
CHOOSE-to stay organized and Complete your work on time… Be respectful and kind to one another

21 Information Card Your Name Parents names and cell phone numbers
Home numbers(s) Parent addresses (specify mother or father) Anything you want me to know… Anything you want to know about me….. DeLeon Dad: Ernest Lazo Mom: Mary Mendez-Lazo Home: (dad) Science is my favorite subject…math is my weakest What days are recess?

22 Name Stick On your own paper, take the multiple Intelligence Survey “Where does your true intelligence Lie?” For scoring, use the scoring sheet on the back and count how many “T’s” you have in each column, ex A=2 Write your totals for A-G on your paper At the top of your stick ,color code it with your “intelligence” You may have 2 colors, like the example, if you have equal totals Write your first and last name taking one side of the stick. The stick will be used for calling on you to participate in class (grade) and for grouping. Ms. DeLeon

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