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Of First Importance 1Corinthians 15:1-19.

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1 Of First Importance 1Corinthians 15:1-19

2 The Nature of the Resurrection
3 For I delivered to you as of first importance what I also received, that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, 4 and that He was buried, and that He was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures, 1 Corinthians 15:3–4 (NASB95)

3 The Nature of the Resurrection
This Same Jesus Who Died Was Raised Was Buried

4 The Nature of the Resurrection
31 he looked ahead and spoke of the resurrection of the Christ, that He was neither abandoned to Hades, nor did His flesh suffer decay. 32 “This Jesus God raised up again, to which we are all witnesses. Acts 2:31–32 (NASB95)

5 The Nature of the Resurrection
= Death Reversal

6 The Nature of the Resurrection
In Jesus’ day it was clear what the various Greek, Aramaic, etc. words for resurrection did not mean. Resurrection did not mean life after death in some disembodied form, it did not mean the immortality of the soul in either torment or paradise, and it did not mean reincarnation. It meant the reversal of death, restoration to some kind of bodily immortality. (Craig, William Lane ( ). On Guard: Defending Your Faith with Reason and Precision

7 horao to perceive by the eye, catch sight of, notice
APPEARED To Peter horao to perceive by the eye, catch sight of, notice To the Twelve To the 500 To James To Paul

8 The Nature of the Resurrection
This is now the third time that Jesus was manifested to the disciples, after He was raised from the dead. John 21:14 (NASB95)

9 The Nature of the Resurrection
manifested - phaneroo to cause to become visible, reveal, expose publicly (with relatively more focus on the sensory aspect than on the cognitive) BDAG

10 The Nature of the Resurrection
= Death Reversal

11 Resurrection - Unique to Christianity
THE GREEK CONCEPT Plato (500 years before) taught the immortality of the soul This would have been very similar to the gnostic thinking that certainly was beginning even in the first century The notion of a resurrected immortal body would have been the last thing a Greek would have desired

12 Resurrection - Unique to Christianity
THE JEWISH CONCEPT The New Testament presents a “one before all others” model Daniel 12 would have been their primary text Resurrection was seen as a national event The Messiah was not going to die in their perspective

13 Resurrection - Unique to Christianity
“When Buddha died it was with that utter passing away in which nothing whatever remains. Mohammed died at Medina on June 8, 632, at the age of 61, and his tomb there is visited yearly by tens of thousands of Muslims. But they come to mourn his death, not to celebrate his resurrection. Yet the church of Jesus Christ, not just on Easter Sunday but at every service of immersion baptism, celebrates the victory of her Lord over death and the grave.” (Follower of Buddha, Quoted by McArthur p401)

14 The Significance of the Resurrection
who was declared the Son of God with power by the resurrection from the dead, according to the Spirit of holiness, Jesus Christ our Lord, Romans 1:4 (NASB95) Proves that Jesus is the Son of God

15 The Significance of the Resurrection
For if while we were enemies we were reconciled to God through the death of His Son, much more, having been reconciled, we shall be saved by His life. Romans 5:10 (NASB95) Provides for Our Salvation

16 The Significance of the Resurrection
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who according to His great mercy has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, 1 Peter 1:3 (NASB95) Gives Us Reason For Our Hope

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