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Presentation on theme: "Steroids."— Presentation transcript:

1 Steroids

2 What are Anabolic Steroids?
They are controlled substances Artificially produced hormone that resembles testosterone Promotes muscle growth Promote the development of some secondary sex characteristics Eric S. Controlled substance are chemicals whose uses are regulated by law. People using these substance must have a prescription from a licensed physician. Anabolic steroids change muscle mass and strength by two ways. First, the steroids lead to an increased production of proteins, which are the building blocks of muscle. The steroids also block the effect of the hormone cortisol on muscle tissue, so that existing muscle is broken down at a slower rate. Secondary sex characteristics affected by the use of anabolic steroids include things such as hair growth , voice pitch which becomes higher in males and lower in females, and growth of breast tissue – increased in males and decreased in females.

3 Steroid Side Effects

4 Kevin Sheehan Changing eating habits is another way people try to control the way they look and feel.

5 Human Growth Hormone Boosts production of testosterone
Leads to increased muscle mass Leads to decreased amount of body fat Mike N HGH is produced by the pituitary gland to fuel growth and development in children. It also maintains some bodily functions, like tissue repair, muscle growth, brain function, energy, and metabolism, throughout life. HGH production peaks during the teenage years and slowly declines with age. HGH can be taken in the form of pills, powders, and injections. People have started taking HGH because it has been marketed to have great benefits and to even be able to stop the aging process. The studies that have been done do not strongly support these claims, however studies have shown there are plenty of side effects from taking HGH

6 Side Effects of HGH Use Nerve, muscle, or joint pain
Swelling due to fluid in body tissues Carpal tunnel syndrome Accelerated aggression Increases risk of diabetes Contribute to the growth of cancerous tumors Long-term stunted growth Acromegaly Mike N. Acromegaly causes a person’s hands and or face to grow abnormally large. Other biological effects such as heart disease, diabetes and cancer can develop. Long term stunted growth can also occur which is the exact opposite of the desired purpose.

7 Creatine Helps gain muscle mass
Increases body's ability to create energy rapidly Reduces fatigue by transporting extra energy to the cells You can work out longer Wes J. Creatine is a natural substance that turns into creatine phosphate in the body. Creatine phosphate helps make a substance called adenosine triphosphate (ATP). ATP provides the energy for muscle contractions. The body produces some of the creatine it uses. It also comes from protein-rich foods such as meat or fish. Creatine is thought to improve strength, increase lean muscle mass, and help the muscles recover more quickly during exercise. This muscular boost may help athletes achieve bursts of speed and energy, especially during short bouts of high-intensity activities such as weight lifting or sprinting. Just because creatine is natural, doesn't necessarily mean that it is safe. Supplements aren't held to the same standards by the FDA as medications, which means you can't always know exactly what's in your supplement, or in what amounts.

8 Side Effects of Creatine Use
Heart rhythm problems Kidney damage Seizures Blood clots in legs Wes J.

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