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Travel and Tourism Introductory Terms to Know

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Presentation on theme: "Travel and Tourism Introductory Terms to Know"— Presentation transcript:

1 Travel and Tourism Introductory Terms to Know

2 Review! Travel- Movement from one place to another
Tourism- travel to one location for at least 24 hours but less than a year

3 Types of Tourism

4 Business Tourism- Travel to complete a business transaction or attend a business event

5 Nature Tourism travel to enjoy a natural setting or wildlife, including ecotourism, which specializes in the study and conservation of natural environments

6 Cultural Tourism travel to experience the history, folklore, and culture of a people, including “big city” tourism where people are attracted to the city for the nightlife, entertainment etc.

7 Social Tourism travel that involves the company of others (tour bus, family visits)

8 Recreation Tourism tourism to escape the routine of daily life, such as camping or beach tourism

9 Active Tourism - tourism that has a set objective, such as climbing a mountain or learning a new language

10 Sports Tourism tourism to experience a sport or sporting event, such as a ski holiday or the Olympics

11 Religious Tourism tourism that involves visiting a place of spiritual significance

12 Health Tourism tourism to improve one’s house, such as a visit to a health resort or weight loss camp

13 Adventure Tourism tourism that involves a challenge and adventure, such as trekking through a tropical rainforest or rock climbing

14 Wilderness Tourism tourism in remote wilderness areas to experience something very different from everyday life

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