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The Last Lecture – Albert Rubenstein PhD Professor of Biology

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Presentation on theme: "The Last Lecture – Albert Rubenstein PhD Professor of Biology"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Last Lecture – Albert Rubenstein PhD Professor of Biology

2 The Last lecture – Key objective
Make the case that the college lecture is still a major tool in teaching and we should not be so quick to abandon this academic approach

3 Introductory lecture- Biology 101
Class introduction Meet your professor Class learning objectives

4 Meet your Professor – Dr. Rubenstein
BS,MS – Memphis Sate University Ph.D. Virology /Pathology – University of Tennessee/St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital Post Doctoral Vanderbilt University 25 Years in R/D, Manufacturing, Marketing , Technology Assessment Abbott Laboratories, Hybritech Europe, and Lilly Corporate Center and 15 years at Ivy Tech Community College Professor of Biology

5 Biology 101 – The study of life

6 Learning Objectives The Cell

7 Learning Objectives DNA- Documentation system

8 Learning Objectives Energy

9 Learning Objectives Cell division and reproduction

10 Each of you is a lottery pick- do not blow your fortune

11 Learning Objectives Timeline of life on earth

12 Learning Objectives Evolution the process of change

13 Future direction in biology- biotechnology
Genetic engineering Stem cells Cloning Memory storage Extension of life

14 Genetic engineering – unlimited potential

15 Gene editing – significant challenge to society

16 GMO –Are they safe to eat ?

17 Will we answer the big questions?
So what are we? What is our purpose? Are we alone? What is our destiny and what role do we play in the universe? The audacity to ask and even expect answers to such question .

18 Role of a college professor?
Reservoir of knowledge Conveyer of information Prioritizes /explains concepts Role model for students Career mentor /counselor Judge on performance

19 The community college student- a significant challenge for the professor
Career goals not defined Short attention span Varied social and academic backgrounds Lack communication skills Learning must be fun Google generation

20 The traditional lecture method is being challenged as a viable teaching tool

21 Teacher centered student centered
E Learning Flipped classrooms Hybrid classes Web enhanced Micro- learning Game based learning MOOC – massive open online courses

22 “Sage on a stage to Guide on the side” Allison King (1993)

23 Is the lecture method Dead?

24 Ivy Tech Community College - 2030

25 Lecture style teaching – long history Chinese educational system, universities in the middle ages and in the majority of university systems today

26 Historical aspects of oration /teaching
Oratory teaching goes back to origin of language and has inspired the individuals and rallied masses

27 Albert Einstein – Inspiration to all

28 Michio Kaku – Theoretical Physicist

29 Neil Thyson PhD – Astrophysics

30 Dr. Robert Furchgott - Nobel Laureate

31 Dr. Rubenstein?

32 Disadvantages of the lecture - remedy
Student engagement not assured – require note taking Good lecture requires preparation and we all cannot be good speakers- train reward the lecturer Lecture not suited for complex abstract material – just not true Lecture not suited for complex motor skills- incorporate affective demonstrations followed by hands on activity Insufficient feed back for students – ask directed questions Student attention span limited -strategic breaks

33 Advantages of a good lecture
Large audience participation Student can get engaged Material prioritized and focused on student interest Material is current, made relevant, and avoids text book bias Professor can gage and control level of understanding Can strategically incorporate visual aids Can strategically incorporate discussions Students learn note taking skills

34 Principles of a good classroom lecture
Know your students Introduce yourself – qualifications and accomplishments State clearly what the objectives of material to covered Spark interest with a question related to subject Demonstrate passion about your subject Speak loudly, clearly, and avoid reading slides walk the room when possible Define terms and repeat definitions Ignore minor behavior issue

35 Principles of a good classroom Lecture
Ask directed questions and be brief in answering Modify lecture for different sections – keep you on your toes Summarize briefly the key point covered If you make a mistake admit and continue Ask students for feed back

36 Reflection on my great teachers ( True Sages) -
Dr. Iams – Physics Dr. Warren Johnson- Pathologist Dr. Robert Webster - Virologist

37 Victor Feisal Ph.D – Professor Emeritus MSU

38 Human nature is innately programed to respond to spoken language
We listen We observe We imitate We are motivated We are inspired We are led By The spoken word

39 Why has the lecture method getting such a bad rap?
Emphasis on the wave of new communication technology – We do not train or reward faculty with that skill We have bad lecturers – diminished skill

40 We need more Sages on stages and less Fools with tools


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