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Lesson 16 Eating Healthy: The Big Picture View Back to TOC.

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1 Lesson 16 Eating Healthy: The Big Picture View Back to TOC

2 -- Show Image 16A What is this? -- Summarize This is the earth. You can see the shape of the whole planet. This is how the earth looks in pictures taken far away in space. Some people would call this a Big Picture view. -- Explain Big Picture means a way of looking at something. To see a Big Picture view, you have to back up and look at all the parts at once to understand how they work together. Back to TOC

3 -- Show Image 16B Today we’re going to start talking about how to eat to stay healthy. MyPlate gives you a Big Picture view of healthy eating. It will help you learn which foods to eat to help keep you healthy. -- Explain Each of the sections of the plate and the glass beside it represents a different food group. Foods in the same group are alike and give your body different things you need to help you stay healthy. You’re going to be keeping track of what you learn about the different food groups to record your own Big Picture view of healthy eating. (Have students turn to the Focus on Food Groups activity sheets [Student Workbook pages 33–38].) There is a sheet for each of the five food groups and one for oils. Today you’ll be writing down the name of each good group and examples of healthy foods you like from each one. Back to TOC

4 -- Show Image 16C (Refer to Image 16C as you describe the different food groups. Have students label the food group box on each activity sheet as you review it. Tell them the boxes for Food Job and Eat ______ Every Day will be filled out in a later lesson.) -- Explain The first food group is called the vegetables group. Label this group on the first Focus on Food Groups activity sheet. -- Ask & Discuss What foods belong in the vegetables group? (Accept all answers that fit.) -- Summarize Carrots, broccoli, peppers, spinach, lettuce, other greens, squash, tomatoes, corn, celery, cucumbers, peas and potatoes are all foods in the vegetables group. Back to TOC

5 -- Complete What foods in this group do you like to eat? List them on your activity sheet. (Allow time for students to list healthy favorites from the vegetables group on their activity sheet.) Back to TOC

6 -- Explain The second food group is the fruits group. Label this group on the next Focus on Food Groups activity sheet. -- Ask & Discuss What foods belong in the fruits group? (Accept all answers that fit.) -- Summarize Apples, bananas, oranges, grapes, peaches, pears, pineapple, melons, plums, strawberries, watermelon and dried fruits, such as raisins, are all foods in the fruits group. Back to TOC

7 -- Complete What foods in this group do you like to eat? List them on your activity sheet. (Allow time for students to list healthy favorites from the fruits group on their activity sheet.) Back to TOC

8 -- Explain The third food group is the grains group. Label this group on the next Focus on Food Groups activity sheet. -- Ask & Discuss What foods belong in the grains group? -- Summarize Bread, rice, pasta, oatmeal, breakfast cereal, tortillas, cornbread, muffins, crackers and grits are all foods in the grains group. Back to TOC

9 -- Complete What foods in this group do you like to eat? List them on your activity sheet. (Allow time for students to list healthy favorites from the grains group on their activity sheet.) Back to TOC

10 -- Explain The fourth food group is the protein group. Label this group on the next Focus on Food Groups activity sheet. -- Ask & Discuss What foods belong in the protein group? (Accept all answers that fit. Be sure to include meat, nuts, beans, eggs and peanut butter.) -- Summarize Meat, such as beef, lamb and pork, chicken, turkey, seafood, beans and peas, eggs, soy products, nuts and seeds are all foods in the protein group. Back to TOC

11 -- Complete What foods in this group do you like to eat? List them on your activity sheet. (Allow time for students to list healthy favorites from the protein group on their activity sheet.) Back to TOC

12 -- Explain The fifth food group is the dairy group. Label this group on the next Focus on Food Groups activity sheet. -- Ask & Discuss What foods belong in the dairy group? (Accept all answers that fit. Be sure to include yogurt, cheese and calcium-fortified soymilk.) -- Summarize Milk and foods made from milk, such as yogurt, cheese and cottage cheese, are all foods in the dairy group. Back to TOC

13 -- Complete What foods in this group do you like to eat? List them on your activity sheet. (Allow time for students to list healthy favorites from the dairy group on their activity sheet.) Back to TOC

14 -- Explain Oils are not actually a food group, but they are an important part of your diet. Healthy oils come from many different plants and from fish. Sometimes these are also called “healthy fats.” Fats that come from meat and dairy foods are not healthy for your body in the way oils from plants and fish can be. Oils are on the last Focus on Food Groups activity sheet. Back to TOC

15 -- Ask & Discuss Can you think of some foods that are mainly oils? (Accept all answers that fit, including mayonnaise, salad dressings, olive oil, soybean oil, vegetable oil and soft margarine. If students name foods that contain saturated fats, reiterate that fats from animal sources are not good for the body in the way that healthy oils can be.) -- Summarize MyPlate is a Big Picture view of healthy eating. You can use the plate to help you make healthy food choices. Choose more vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and low-fat milk, cheese and yogurt. Have a little healthy oil every day. Choose only a little, and not very often, from sugary foods. And don’t forget to drink plenty of water each day. Back to TOC

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