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Senior Elective (Education) 2 nd Year Post RN BscN Younas Bhatti Instructor Bahawalpur College of Nursing, Bahawalur.

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Presentation on theme: "Senior Elective (Education) 2 nd Year Post RN BscN Younas Bhatti Instructor Bahawalpur College of Nursing, Bahawalur."— Presentation transcript:

1 Senior Elective (Education) 2 nd Year Post RN BscN Younas Bhatti Instructor Bahawalpur College of Nursing, Bahawalur

2 Philosophies of education An educational philosophy is a personal statement of a teacher's guiding principles about "big picture" education-related issues, such as how student learning and potential are most effectively maximized, as well as the role of educators in the classroom, school, community, and society.

3 Philosophies of education There are following philosophies related to education Perennialism Essentialism Progressivism Recontructionism Existentialism

4 Perennialism The aim of education is to ensure that students acquire understandings about the great ideas of Western civilization Curriculum is based on knowledge and conservative, inflexible, traditional content including mathematics. Faculty and teachers are authorities in developing the content. Students are thought to be the passive learners and their opinions are not accepted because they have not adequate knowledge It is taught in the class primarily used in the lecture

5 Cont.…. The focus is to, Teach ideas that are everlasting, Seek enduring truths which are constant, not changing Cultivation of the intellect is the highest priority in a worthwhile education The demanding curriculum focuses on attaining cultural literacy, stressing students' growth in enduring disciplines

6 Essentialism It is also conservative philosophy that is grounded in idealism and realism It is with traditional content and teaching Students are considered as “ sponge like” minds (they can absorb new knowledge). Essentialists believe that there is a common core of knowledge that needs to be transmitted to students in a systematic, disciplined way. The emphasis in this conservative perspective is on intellectual and moral standards that schools should teach

7 Cont.…. The core of the curriculum is essential knowledge and skills and academic rigor This focuses that the Schooling should be practical, preparing students to become valuable members of society. It should focus on facts-the objective reality out there--and "the basics," training students to read, write, speak, and compute clearly and logically. Schools should not try to set or influence policies.

8 Cont.…. Students should be taught hard work, respect for authority, and discipline. Teachers are to help students keep their non- productive instincts in check, such as aggression or mindlessness. (Both these are considered outdated. In this world the student and teacher learn from each other.)

9 Progressivism Rooted in the pragmatism Views for problem solving skills, scientific inquiry and critical thinking. Teacher’s role is more participative. Students are taught to learn the ways to solve the problem rather than the traditional content learning Traditional content is replaced with experience and activities Participation and teamwork is promoted in this philosophy.

10 Cont.…. It is active, not passive. Curriculum content is derived from student interests and questions. The scientific method is used by progressivist educators so that students can study matter and events systematically and first hand The emphasis is on process-how one comes to know

11 Reconstructionism/Critical Theory Grounded in pragmatism Focus of education is on need of society than individuals Social and cultural Issues are the primary areas of the curriculum Major goal is that the students and teacher become changing agent It is emphasizes the addressing of social questions and a quest to create a better society and worldwide

12 Cont.…. Curriculum focuses on student experience and taking social action on real problems The problems are violence, hunger, international terrorism, inflation, and inequality. Strategies for dealing with controversial issues (particularly in social studies and literature), inquiry, dialogue, and multiple perspectives are the focus Community-based learning and bringing the world into the classroom are also strategies.

13 Existentialism Focuses of self individualism and self fulfillment Teaching about choices Freedom of choices The meaning of choices Established standards, authority and group norms are rejected and these are replaced by self expressive activities, experiments, emotions and feelings and insights.

14 Cont.…. In the existentialist classroom, subject matter takes second place to helping the students understand and appreciate themselves as unique individuals who accept complete responsibility for their thoughts, feelings, and actions The teacher's role is to help students define their own essence by exposing them to various paths they may take in life and creating an environment in which they may freely choose their own preferred way

15 References "PHILOSOPHICAL PERSPECTIVES IN EDUCATION." Oregon State University | Oregon State University, 1999, Accessed 4 Nov. 2016. Billings, D. M., & Halstead, J. A. (2012). Teaching in nursing: A guide for faculty (4th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Elsevier/Saunders.

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