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Presentation on theme: "IT 161 – PROFESSIONAL COMMUNICATIONS"— Presentation transcript:

Tutor: Lutimila ‘Ahokovi

2 Course Description: This course is designed to develop students’ ability to communicate effectively (coherently and clearly) in any business or organization. Students will learn basic theory on communication. Students will be aided by their tutor in gaining basic knowledge and skills on the functional aspects of speaking and writing for a variety of purpose and audiences.

3 Learning Outcomes: By the end of this course, you should be able to:
communicate with people in a Professional manner recognise and state the barriers to communication and how they can be overcome organise and participate confidently and competently in a meeting and be able to take minutes and write an agenda write a competent and accurate business letter, reference letters and personal resume write memo and savingram conduct and record meeting select and use appropriate reference sources construct advance productive analysis writings deal with various texts in a professional communication produce well written critical communication be skillful in taking notes and writing summaries become insightful and effective learners

4 Content: Introduction To Professional Communication Why study communication? Models of communication Components of communication 2. Oral Communication Oral presentation (speech) Meetings Presenting of oral seminar Negotiation Telephone skills Customer services 3. Written Communication Letters, memos and Report writing: short & Business reports Writing a discussion essay (both sides of an issue) Writing a critical review, and writing for other academic purposes

5 4. Non-Verbal Communication
Reading: i. Dealing with text : Writing Casual Analysis, Compare and contrast essays Reading ii. Recognising main points and details, Taking notes and writing summaries Non-verbal skills Non-verbal, listening and feedback skills 5. Visual Communication Graphic communication (Communication through visuals) Presenting an oral Seminar Reading and using visual texts 6. Applying For A Job Application letter Curriculum vitae (resumes) Interview

6 Requirements: Students will be required to: Attend at least 80% of the classes to be eligible to take the final examination. 2. Complete all assessment provided. 3. Pass both the course work and the Final Exam to pass the course.

7 Assessment: This course will be assessed in two ways: Continuous assessment 50% Assignment 1: Oral Presentation (10%) The students will prepare and deliver an individually 5-7 minutes talk to the class. Speaking time will be decided in the first month of the course. The topic and criteria for the talk will be provided beforehand. b. Assignment 2: Written Report (10%) The students will prepare and submit an individually research short report on a given topic. The marking schedule and detailed requirement will be distributed on a separate hand-out. c. Assignment 3: Visual Aids (10%) The students will work in pairs and prepare a presentation on a selected topic using various visual aids to express your opinions and findings. Criteria and topics will be given beforehand. d. Assignment 4: Weekly Task (15%) The students will be given a task (activity) to attempt and submit each fortnight based on the reading (s) of the week. Participation in tutorials (5%)

8 2. Final Examination (50%) At the end of the course, there is three hours examination that requires application of the key concepts and skills you have acquired during the whole course. Note: Students must obtain minimum of 50% of both course work and final examination in order to pass the course.

9 Course Evaluation: Students will be given the opportunity to anonymously evaluate the course and their feedback from these evaluations will be used appropriately to improve the course. Recommended Reading: Beisler, F, Hermini, S and Pinner, D, 1987, “Communication skills” Pitman Publishing Pearce, Figgins, and Golen, BUSINESS COMMUNICATION, Principle and Application, John Wiley and Sons, Canada, 1988 Dwyer, Judith., The business communication handbook.5th Edition. Printice Hall Australia. 2000 Mohan. Terry, McGregor. H, Saunders, S. Archee R., Communicating Theory and Practice, 4th Edition, Harcourt Sydney, 2004


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