Science as a Social Institution

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Presentation on theme: "Science as a Social Institution"— Presentation transcript:

1 Science as a Social Institution

2 Science the pursuit of knowledge through systematic methods

3 Sociology of science perspective that examines how scientific knowledge develops

4 Norms (rules of behavior) of Scientific Research
1) Universalism scientist’s racial, ethnic, class, gender, religious, etc. background should play no part in evaluating research findings 2) Organized Skepticism scientists should always be ready to question research findings (even established ones)

5 Norms of Sci. Research (con’t)
3) Communalism research findings belong to the entire community, not individuals 4) Disinterestedness scientists should seek truth, not personal gain

6 Realities of Scientific Research
1) Fraud faking research findings / taking credit for others’ research findings 2) Competition can cause scientists to rush their findings to publication, or withhold findings from the scientific community 3) The Matthew Effect (Matthew 25:29) well known scientists will generally get more credit than lesser known scientists

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