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Groups of cells working together to perform a specific function

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1 Groups of cells working together to perform a specific function
Tissues Groups of cells working together to perform a specific function Histology: the study of tissues

2 MICROSCOPY LAB Care and Use of the Microscope

3 4 Basic Tissue Types Epithelial: covers and protects
Connective: bind and support Muscle: produces movement Nervous: transmits electrical impulses

4 Epithelial Tissue Lines and protects
Has one surface exposed and one surface attached to basement membrane Basement membrane: thin non-living layer which epithelial cells are anchored to

5 Shape Squamous - flat Cuboidal – cube-like Columnar – elongated

6 Layers SIMPLE = I cell layer STRATIFIED = more than 1 cell layer

7 Simple Squamous

8 Simple Cuboidal

9 Simple Columnar

10 Pseudostratified Columnar

11 Stratified Squamous

12 Stratified Cuboidal

13 Stratified Columnar

14 Transitional

15 Glandular

16 Types of Glands Endocrine glands: secrete directly into blood or other fluid Exocrine glands: secrete into ducts Merocrine glands: release secretion without damaging cell Apocrine glands: release small portions of cell body with secretion Holocrine glands: destroy and release entire cell body with secretion

17 Epithelial Tissues Lab (8)

18 Connective Tissue Binds, supports, and fills spaces
Varies from solid to semisolid to liquid Contain cells suspended in a matrix Matrix: intercellular material containing fibers and ground substance

19 Connective Tissue Cells
Fibroblasts Produce protein fibers Macrophages Carry out phagocytosis Phagocytosis: consume and destroy foreign or dead particles Mast cells Release heparin and histamine Heparin: prevents blood clotting Histamine: inflammation and allergic reactions

20 Connective Tissue Fibers
Collagenous Thick bundles of straight fibers Made of collagen protein Only slightly elastic; resist tension Elastic Thin branching networks Made of elastin protein Stretchy Reticular Very thin branching networks Form support networks

21 Types of Connective Tissue
Loose connective tissue Thin membranes between skin and underlying parts, between muscles Gel-like matrix containing scattered cells, collagenous and elastic fibers, and blood vessels

22 Types of Connective Tissue
Dense connective tissue Closely packed collagenous fibers and elastic fibers; few cells Very little blood supply Very strong; resist tension Found in tendons and ligaments, eye sclera, deep skin layers

23 Types of Connective Tissue
Hyaline Cartilage Fine collagenous fibers Found at the tip of the nose and the ends of bones

24 Types of Connective Tissue
Elastic Cartilage Dense network of elastic fibers More flexible Ears and parts of larynx

25 Types of Connective Tissue
Fibrocartilage Dense collagenous fibers Very tough Shock absorber between vertebrae and in joints

26 Types of Connective Tissue
Adipose tissue Stores droplets of fat Found between muscles, around organs and some joints, and beneath skin

27 Types of Connective Tissue
Bone Rigid due to mineral salts Collagen fibers allow some flexibility

28 Types of Connective Tissue
Blood Used for transporting materials Cells and proteins suspended in plasma

29 Connective Tissues Lab (9)

30 Muscle Tissue Contractile – shorten and lengthen Produce movement

31 Types of Muscle Tissue Skeletal Voluntary
Striated with multiple nuclei Connected to bones; moves the skeleton

32 Types of Muscle Tissue Con’t
Smooth Involuntary Found in walls of hollow internal organs

33 Types of Muscle Tissue Con’t
Cardiac Involuntary Found only in the heart Intercalated discs: junctures b/t cells

34 Nervous Tissue Found in brain, spinal cord, and nerves
Conduct electrical impulses Neurons vs. neuroglial cells

35 Labs 10-11 Muscle Tissue Nervous Tissue

36 Integumentary System Membranes which cover the body surface and line body cavities Function is defense and protection Integument = fascia

37 Cutaneous Membrane (SKIN!)
Layers Epidermis Dermis Subcutaneus Layer

38 Epidermis Outer layer Stratified squamous epithelium Nonvascular
Older cells are pushed toward the surface to die and slough off

39 Layers of the Epidermis
Stratum corneum Accumulated dead cells Stratum lucidum Present in thickened layers of palms and soles Stratum granulosum Produces keratin and lipids for protection and water resistence Stratum spinosum Produces lipids for water resistance Stratum basale Contains melanocytes Basement membrane

40 Dermis Thicker inner layer that binds epidermis to underlying tissue
Collagenous and elastic fibers in a gel matrix Vascular: contains blood vessels Innervated: contains nerves Contains accessory organs Dermal papillae: fingerlike projections caused by wrinkling of dermis

41 Subcutaneous Layer Masses of loose connective and adipose tissus
Bind skin to underlying organs Collagenous and elastic fibers run parallel to surface (no distinct boundaries) Vascular and innervated

42 MAKE A MODEL Use construction paper Include the following layers:
EPIDERMIS – tissue type STRATUM CORNEUM – keratinized cells STRATUM LUCIDUM STRATUM GRANULOSUM STRATUM SPINOSUM STRATUM BASALE – melanocytes DERMIS – dermal papillae, fibers SUBCUTANEOUS LAYER – tissues and fibers Draw blood vessels and nerves where appropriate You will add accessory organs (hair follicle and 2 glands) later!

43 MAKE A MODEL Add a sweat gland and a hair follicle and sebacceous gland to your skin model Make sure it is the appropriate size and in the right layer Label the following: Follicle Root Shaft Arrector pili muscle Sebacceous gland Pore

44 Accessory Organs Where does skin color come from?
Why does my hair stand on end? What is that weird little white half circle at the base of my nails? Why do people sweat when they are nervous?

45 Pigment Melanocytes Melanin Cells in the stratum basale
Produce granules of the pigment melanin Melanin Dark pigment Absorbes UV radiation (prevents DNA/cell damage)

46 Pigment Skin color Factors affecting pigment
Due to the amount and size of granules of melanin produced, NOT number of melanocytes! Factors affecting pigment Sunlight, UV light, X-Rays Oxygen or chemical levels of blood Diet

47 Hair Follicles Hair: dead epidermal cells
Hair color is determined by amount of melanin More melanin = darker hair No melanin = white hair Mix of pigmented and unpigmented = gray hair Trichosiderin found only in red hair

48 Sebacceous Glands Holocrine glands associated with hair follicle
Secrete sebum Fatty mix of cellular debris Keep hair soft, supple and waterproof Pore: opening of gland to outside surface

49 SKETCH THIS Arrector pili muscle: contracts causing hair to stand upright for insulation

50 Keratinization Keratin: tough fibrous strands
Older cells fill with keratin, causing them to harden Tightly packed dead cells form (stratum corneum)

51 Nails Nail plate: keratinized cells that extend from finger tips
Nail bed: surface of skin which nail plate lies on Lunula: site of cell division where scales of keratinized nail form

52 Sweat Glands Exocrine gland which secretes sweat
Coiled ball of epithelial cells attached to a pore

53 Sweat Glands Eccrine gland: most common; thermoregulation
Apocrine gland: respond to emotion Not to be confused with the apocrine secretion mechanism! Various modified sweat glands: ceruminous (ear wax) and mammary (milk) glands

54 Other Membranes Serous Membrane
Layer of simple squamous epithelium over a layer of loose connective tissue Secrete serous fluid (watery)

55 Other Membranes (con’t)
Mucous Membrane Epithelium over loose connective tissue Secrete mucus from goblet cells

56 Other Membranes (con’t)
Synovial Membrane Dense connective tissue over loose connective and adipose tissue Secrete synovial fluid into joints

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