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Hindu Beliefs Portrayed in the Ramayana

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Presentation on theme: "Hindu Beliefs Portrayed in the Ramayana"— Presentation transcript:

1 Hindu Beliefs Portrayed in the Ramayana

2 What is the Ramayana? One of India’s classic epic poems Contains 24,000 rhymed couplets. Composed by Valmiki Teaches the fundamentals of Hindu beliefs.

3 Agni: AG-nee Bharata: BAH-rah-tah Brahma: BRAH-muh Dasharata: DaH-shaH-RAH-taH Hanuman: HaH-noo-mun Jatayu: Jah-TAH-yoo Indrajit: Een-DRAH-jeet Kaikeyi: KY-Kay-yee Kausalya: Cow-SAL-yaH Khara: CAR-ah Kumbhakarna: KOOM-bah-KAR-naH Lakshmana: LOCKSH-maH-naH Rama: RAH-maH Ravana: RAH-vaH-naH Sita: SEE-ta Surpanakha: SOOR-paH-naH-kaH Vasishta: VaH-SEE-ta Vishnu: VISH-noo

4 Multiple Gods: The meeting of the Gods Agni, Brahma, and Vishnu
Scene 1 Multiple Gods: The meeting of the Gods Agni, Brahma, and Vishnu

5 Scene 2 Karma: King Dasharata asks for what past deed he is being punished Dharma: Rama obeys his father

6 Scene 3 Dharma: Rama refuses to disobey his father after King Dasharata dies

7 Scene 4 Dharma: - Jatayu tells the demon that it is wrong to steal another man’s wife Brahman: - The Cremation of Jatayu honors his soul as part of Brahman Samsara: Jatayu will be reborn into another life

8 Scene 5 Multiple Gods - Hanuman is son of the wind God
Dharma - Sita is faithful to Rama

9 Ramayana

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