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Created by: Angelica Parker and Mikaela Zabukovec

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1 Created by: Angelica Parker and Mikaela Zabukovec
Circulatory System Created by: Angelica Parker and Mikaela Zabukovec

2 The system's job The circulatory system, also called the cardiovascular system, permits blood to circulate and transport nutrients, oxygen, carbon dioxide, etc. to nourish and help fight off diseases. Helps stabilize body temperature and pH

3 Components The circulatory system is composed of:
Blood to carry the minerals necessary A pump to push blood through the body (heart) Lungs to oxygenate the blood (systemic circulation) Brain (dual blood supply) Kidneys Lymphatic System

4 Blood Blood is a body fluid that transports essential elements in the body. The two most important functions are the transport of things to the tissues, and the removal of wastes from the tissues. Transports oxygen to all the tissues of the body Hormones, nutrients like vitamins and minerals are also transported through the blood.

5 The Heart Organ that pumps blood throughout the body by electrical pulses that cause muscle contractions that squeeze the blood out (systole), and fill the chambers with blood to be sent to the lungs for oxygenation (diastole). Each minute your heart pumps 1.5 gallons of blood.

6 Lungs Lungs transport oxygen from the atmosphere to the bloodstream and release carbon dioxide from the bloodstream into the atmosphere. Deoxygenated blood through pulmonary artery to lungs. Oxygenated by air-filled sacs (alveoli), blood returns to heart through pulmonary veins.

7 The Brain Dual blood supply
-Anterior circulation comes from the internal carotid arteries, supplies front of the brain. -Posterior circulation comes from the vertebral arteries, supplies the back of the brain and brainstem circulation from the front and the back join together (anastomise) at the Circle of Willis.

8 Kidneys renal circulation receives ~20% of cardiac output
branches from the lower aorta and returns blood to the ascending vena cava

9 Lymphatic System Part of circulatory system
Made up of a network of lymphatic vessels and lymph capillaries, lymph nodes, organs, lymphatic tissues and circulating lymph. Carries lymph, draining and returning interstitial fluid back towards the heart for return to the cardiovascular system, by emptying into the lymphatic ducts

10 Diagram of Circulatory System


12 Types of circulatory systems
Open circulatory system- The heart pumps fluids through the organism but there is no complete system of vessels. This is commonly found in molluscs and anthropods. Closed circulatory system- The heart is connected to a complete system of vessels. This is found in more advanced organisms such as humans.


14 Sources

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