The Constitution of the United States

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1 The Constitution of the United States
We will outline the sections of the US Constitution and analyze how the Constitution reflects the principles of limited government, popular sovereignty, republicanism, separation of powers, checks and balances, and federalism using graphic organizers.

2 The Preamble popular sovereignty We the people
In order to form a more perfect union Establish justice Ensure domestic tranquility Provide for the common defense Promote the general welfare Secure the blessing of liberty to ourselves and our posterity Do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America popular sovereignty Preamble Song

3 Article I – The Legislative Branch
Establishes Congress made up of two parts: House of Representatives determined by the population of each state for 2 year terms and the Senate with 2 senators from each state for 6 year terms (Great Compromise) MAKE LAWS Power to tax, declare war Republicanism

4 Article II – The Executive Branch
Establishes presidency without a term limit Each state elects presidential electors based on number of congressmen. The electors then elect the president ENFORCE, CARRY OUT THE LAW Power to negotiate treaties, create departments necessary to enforce laws, veto laws, appoint Supreme Court justices Commander in Chief of Armed Services Hyperlinks on Article II page and on separation of powers page

5 Article III – The Judicial Branch
Established the Supreme Court REVIEW LAWS (although not an original intention of framers) Serve for life after being appointed by president and approved by Senate Power to settle certain specific cases

James Madison The Federalist Papers Federalist No. 58 Date: February 20, 1788 “An elective despotism was not the government we fought for; but one in which the powers of government should be so divided and balanced among the several bodies of magistracy as that no one could transcend their legal limits without being effectually checked and restrained by the others.

7 Checks and Balances Page 35 of Adventure Tales – cloze and 3 Ring Circus Song from School house Rock

8 Article IV- The States (The Federal System)
Establish local governments Conduct elections Regulate state commerce Establish and maintain schools Make marriage and divorce laws Provide for public safety Raise and support a militia Page 37 of Adventure Tales


10 Article V – Amendments Step One By Congress whenever two-thirds
of both Houses deem it necessary OR BY A CONVENTION called by Congress on the application of two-thirds of the state legislatures

11 Step Two BY LEGISLATURES of three-fourths of the states OR BY CONVENTIONS in three-fourths of the states (whichever mode of ratification may be proposed by Congress)

12 In more than two centuries, the Constitution of the United States has been amended only 27 times. Summarize how it’s done – PAIR/SHARE

13 Article VI The Supremacy Clause states that the Constitution is the highest law in the country.

14 Article VII Delaware Dec. 7, 1787 unanimous Pennsylvania Dec. 12, —23 New Jersey Dec. 18, 1787 unanimous Georgia Jan 2, 1788 unanimous Connecticut Jan. 9, —40 Massachusetts Feb —168 Maryland Apr. 26, —11 South Carolina May 23, —73 New Hampshire June 21, —47 Virginia June 25, —79 New York July 26, —27 North Carolina Nov. 21, —77 Rhode Island May 29, —32 9 of 13 states have to ratify the Constitution for it to become law

15 The Constitution was written in 1787
And ratified in 1789 with the promise a Bill of Rights would be written.

16 In 1789, George Washington is elected first President of the United States under the Constitution.
The Bill of Rights was written and went through the amendment process. The first 10 amendments were ratified in 1791 halfway through Washington’s first presidency.

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