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The Structure of the Constitution

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1 The Structure of the Constitution
The Constitution and it Parts

2 What is the Constitution
A framework for our government The Highest authority in our nation The basic law of the United States A symbol of our Nation

3 The Three main parts The Preamble The Seven Articles The 27 Amendments
An introduction that states the goals and purposes of the government. The Seven Articles They describe the structure of the government The 27 Amendments Additions and changes, to the Constitution

4 School House Rock

5 The Preamble The opening section of the Constitution, it tells why the Constitution was written. “we the People of the united states, in Order …Do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United states of America”

6 The Preamble The Middle part of the Preamble states six purposes of the government “To form a more perfect Union” – To unite the states more effectively so they can operate as a single nation for the good of all.

7 The Preamble 2. “To Establish Justice”
– To create a system of fair laws and courts and make certain that all citizens are treated equally 3. “To insure domestic Tranquility” –to maintain peace and order, keeping citizens and their property safe from harm

8 The Preamble 4. “To provide for the common defense”
– to be ready militarily to protect eh country and its citizens from outside attacks 5. “To promote the general Welfare” – to help people live healthy, happy and prosperous lives

9 The Preamble 6.”To secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity” – to guarantee the freedom and basic rights of all Americans, including future generations.

10 Click Here The Articles The Seven articles that follow the Preamble explain how the government is to work.

11 Article I (The Legislative Branch)
The first article deal with the legislative branch It states that the Congress will be made of two houses The house of Representatives The Senate These two houses will have all lawmaking authority It also list specific powers that congress does and does not have. May collect taxes, declare war and coin money May not Tax exports or favor one state over another

12 Article II (The Executive Branch)
Provides for an executive branch or law Enforcing branch of government Consist of a President and Vice President Explains how the president will be elected Describes presidential powers and duties Commanding the army Dealing with foreign leaders

13 Article III (The Judicial Branch)
Establishes a Judicial Branch of government that interprets the laws and sees that they are fairly applied. One Supreme court and lower courts as congress deems appropriate Also list the powers of the federal courts and describes the kinds of cases they may hear. Cases involving the Constitution Cases involving federal law

14 Articles IV All states must respect each other’s laws and court decisions Explains the process for creating new states Promises that the federal government will protect and defend the states

15 Article V Specifies how amendments are to be made

16 Article VI Declares the Constitution to be the supreme law of the land
If state laws or court decisions conflict with federal law the federal law shall prevail

17 Article VII Declares that the constitution would take effect when nine states had ratified it.

18 Amending the Constitution
Since the constitutions was signed in 1787 it has been amended 27 times The first 10 amendments where called the bill of rights

19 The Amendment process There have been thousands of amendments considered over the years The framers made sure the Constitution could not be altered without the overwhelming support of the people So while they new it was necessary they made sure it was not easy

20 The Amendment process The Amendment process is outlined it Article V of the Constitution There are two ways an amendment can be proposed BY congressional action Requires 2/3 of the member of both houses By National Convention request by two-thirds of the states Once a national amendment has been proposed ¾ of the states must ratify it.

21 Interpreting the Constitution
Although the Constitution has been amended only 27 times, there have been many other changes to it. These changes have taken place through interpretations. One example is the Necessary and Proper Clause

22 Necessary and Proper Clause
Article I list the powers of the Congress, in this article, the constitution give congress the powers to make all laws which shall be necessary and propter to carry out its duties. This allows congress to exercise powers that are not specifically listed in the constitution These powers are call implied powers.

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