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LEQ: What was life in the United States like for new immigrants?

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Presentation on theme: "LEQ: What was life in the United States like for new immigrants?"— Presentation transcript:

1 LEQ: What was life in the United States like for new immigrants?

2 Questions to think about
What is an immigrant? What does industry mean? What is a push factor? What is a pull factor?

3 Favoring the original native group over immigrants
Nativism Favoring the original native group over immigrants

4 Nativism Americans did not welcome newcomers
Many feared for their jobs


6 Irish Immigrants Pushes Pulls Great Irish Famine Jobs
Better economic opportunities

7 German Immigrants Pushes Pulls Land Business Opportunities
Scarcity of jobs Escape military service Land Business Opportunities

8 Irish Immigration Controversial-Catholic religion

9 Know-Nothings Secret organization Anti-immigrant
American Party (political)

10 Urban Working Class Tenements- crowded apartment buildings
President Van Buren limits work day to 10 hours

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