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What is reproduction? Reproduction:

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Presentation on theme: "What is reproduction? Reproduction:"— Presentation transcript:

1 What is reproduction? Reproduction:
Is the process of producing offspring. Offspring: A new organisms produced by one or two parents.

2 Sexual Reproduction It is the process of producing: Both parents!
Offspring from two parents (male and female cells). Genetic DNA from: Both parents!

3 Asexual Reproduction It is the process of producing:
Offspring with only one parent. Offspring are genetically identical to parent. They are all clones/copies!!!! How does that happen?!?!? Budding Binary Fission Regeneration

4 Budding Budding is a form of asexual reproduction in which a new organism develops from an outgrowth or bud due to cell division at one particular site.

5 Each part can grow into a new organism.
Regeneration Each part can grow into a new organism.

6 A process of asexual reproduction in prokaryotic cells.
Binary Fission A process of asexual reproduction in prokaryotic cells.



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