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Presentation on theme: "SEXUAL & ASEXUAL REPRODUCTION INVOLVE CELL DIVISION ASEXUAL REPRODUCTION INVOLVES ONE PARENT: through binary fission, budding, & regeneration –One organism."— Presentation transcript:

1 SEXUAL & ASEXUAL REPRODUCTION INVOLVE CELL DIVISION ASEXUAL REPRODUCTION INVOLVES ONE PARENT: through binary fission, budding, & regeneration –One organism makes 1 or more new organisms that are identical to itself & live independently of it. Are genetically identical. SEXUAL REPRODUCTION INVOLVES 2 PARENT ORGANISMS

2 ASEXUAL REPRODUCTION Binary fission occurs in prokaryotes; interphase & cytokinesis, but no mitosis (because no nucleus). Parent organism splits in 2, making 2 genetically identical, independent daughter cells. Since all prokaryotes are single-celled, cell division & reproduction by binary fission are the same thing. Budding occurs in both uni- & multi-cellular organism. Buds form on a part of the body as a cell with the same genetic material as the parent. It grows until it forms a complete or nearly complete new organism identical to the parent. Usually it will break off & be independent. Some yeast cells & single-celled organisms reproduce asexually by budding. But most occurs in multicellular organisms (hydras & kalanchoe plant)


4 ASEXUAL REPRODUCTION REGENERATION: the process of new tissue growth at the site of a wound or lost limb. This can be asexual reproduction (starfish cut in half form 2) Plant cuttings can form identical independent plants. GENERATION TIME: time it takes for one generation to produce offspring. For bacteria, this is less than 30 minutes; so in 1 hour bacteria can increase to 4X the original number. This is why you can get sick so quickly from them. Rare genetic changes are more likely to occur in bacteria due to gener.time


6 SEXUAL V. ASEXUAL REPRODUCTION Reproduction of multicellular organisms often involves sexual reproduction & asexual cell division. If you grow a plant from a cutting, the new plant will be genetically identical to the parent. But if plants grow from seeds they have DNA from 2 parents (sperm & egg unite) and may look different from one parent. Cell division is part of both sexual & asexual reproduction. Mitosis produces cells identical to parent cells. Diversity of life on Earth due in part to combining genetic material from 2 parents in sexual reproduction.


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