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Section 1: Setting the Stage for War

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1 Section 1: Setting the Stage for War
World War I Section 1: Setting the Stage for War Objectives: Describe the factors that led to World War I. Describe how the countries of Europe were aligned at the beginning of the war. Describe the communication between Russia and Germany just before the start of war.

2 Setting the Stage for War
SECTION 1 Setting the Stage for War Another Perspective Count Franz von Harrach rode on the running board of the royal car serving as a bodyguard for the Archduke. His account begins immediately after Princip fires his two shots. "As the car quickly reversed, a thin stream of blood spurted from His Highness's mouth onto my right check. As I was pulling out my handkerchief to wipe the blood away from his mouth, the Duchess cried out to him, 'In Heaven's name, what has happened to you?' At that she slid off the seat and lay on the floor of the car, with her face between his knees. I had no idea that she too was hit and thought she had simply fainted with fright. Then I heard His Imperial Highness say, 'Sophie, Sophie, don't die. Stay alive for the children!' At that, I seized the Archduke by the collar of his uniform, to stop his head dropping forward and asked him if he was in great pain. He answered me quite distinctly, 'It's nothing!' His face began to twist somewhat but he went on repeating, six or seven times, ever more faintly as he gradually lost consciousness, 'It's nothing!' Then, after a short pause, there was a violent choking sound caused by the bleeding. It was stopped as we reached the Konak."

3 SECTION 1 Setting the Stage for War Rivalries in the Balkans and over colonies as the Big Dogs competed, will push the world to the edge.

4 By the early 1900s Europe was plunging toward war.
SECTION 1 Setting the Stage for War By the early 1900s Europe was plunging toward war. Four factors fueled this plunge . . .

5 MILITARISM Setting the Stage for War
SECTION 1 Setting the Stage for War MILITARISM European leaders believed they could achieve their goals through the threat or use of force. If one nation were to mobilize – other nations would mobilize in self-defense. The Total Defence Expenditure of the Powers (in million £ ) (Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy, Britain, France and Russia) 1870 1880 1890 1900 1910 1914 94 130 154 268 289 398

6 Setting the Stage for War
SECTION 1 Setting the Stage for War 1906 Great Britain launched the world’s first modern battleship – HMS Dreadnought.

7 SECTION 1 Setting the Stage for War SYSTEM OF ALLIANCES The unification of Germany and that of Italy had changed the balance of power in Europe.

8 Setting the Stage for War
SECTION 1 Setting the Stage for War Anglo-Russian Entente 1907 Russia Great Britain Franco-Russia Alliance 1893 Three Emperors League 1873 Entente Cordiale 1904 Germany France Dual Alliance 1879 Austria- Hungary Triple Entente Triple Alliance –1882 Italy

9 ` Setting the Stage for War SECTION 1
Opposing Alliances at Outbreak of War 1907 1879 Britain Russia Austria-Hungary Germany 1904 1894 1882 1882 Triple Entente Triple Alliance France Italy

10 IMPERIALISM Setting the Stage for War
SECTION 1 Setting the Stage for War IMPERIALISM The Great Powers had already come close to war over Africa, Asia, and other parts of the world that they had wanted to colonize and control.

11 NATIONALISM Various ethnic groups wanted political unity.
SECTION 1 Setting the Stage for War NATIONALISM Various ethnic groups wanted political unity.

12 Setting the Stage for War
SECTION 1 Setting the Stage for War

13 Russia 1 August 1914 Setting the Stage for War A-H SECTION 1 Germany
Back off Russia! OR ELSE! Russia France Germany Leave my little Slavic brothers alone!! A-H And while we’re at it – let’s get France! Help me!! Serbia 1 August 1914

14 The Willy-Nicky Telegrams
SECTION 1 Setting the Stage for War The Willy-Nicky Telegrams From June 28th to August 3, a series of events will take place between the various allied countries, in preparation for war. Austria-Hungary will secure from Germany, a ‘blank cheque’, so that when they deliver an ultimatum to Serbia on July 23rd, their troops are already mobilizing. On July 26th, Britain tries to organize a conference between the European powers, but Germany refuses to attend. On July 28th, A-H declares war on Serbia. Between July 29th and August 1st, the two cousins, Tsar Nicholas II of Russia and Kaiser Wilhelm II of Germany will send telegrams between them, to seemingly try to resolve the issues between them and their allies.

15 Germany must defeat France quickly so they can focus on Russia.
SECTION 1 Setting the Stage for War Germany must defeat France quickly so they can focus on Russia.

16 Setting the Stage for War
SECTION 1 Setting the Stage for War Germany attacks France through the land of chocolate and waffles: Belgium. von Schlieffen plan

17 When Germany uses Belgium as a shortcut, who is going to get upset?
SECTION 1 Setting the Stage for War When Germany uses Belgium as a shortcut, who is going to get upset? Great Britain!

18 Setting the Stage for War
SECTION 1 Setting the Stage for War Japan

19 Setting the Stage for War
Political Cartoon Setting the Stage for War

20 Setting the Stage for War
Political Cartoon Setting the Stage for War

21 Setting the Stage for War
Visual Source Setting the Stage for War

22 Setting the Stage for War
Visual Source Setting the Stage for War

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