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Los medios de comunicación

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Presentation on theme: "Los medios de comunicación"— Presentation transcript:

1 Los medios de comunicación
Francisco Alonso Almeida 2005

Audience Circumstances

3 Writing for print News story  Impact Timeliness Prominence Proximity
Conflict The unusual Currency The 5Ws and 1H who what when where why how

4 News story structure Inverted pyramid Spiral Block See-saw or Pro-con

5 Conventions of jourmalistic writing
Headline and the lead Short paragraphs Attribution and quotations Objectivity

6 These in relation to news stories:
Feature articles Anecdotal Suspended interest Question and answer These in relation to news stories: More relaxed story Greater amount of detail Descriptions More quotations, dialogues Structure: Lead Body ending

7 Headlines: economy, anticipation, appeal Articles: appeal, clarity
Language and style Catch the attention Hold their attention Headlines: economy, anticipation, appeal Articles: appeal, clarity

8 Writing for broadcasting TIME Selection of news:
Timeliness Facts Audio/visual impact

9 Structure: dramatic unity
Characteristics: 4C’s Correctness Clarity Conciseness Colour Structure: dramatic unity Climax, cause, effect

10 Style Titles before names Abbreviations avoided
Direct quotations avoided by the use of recorded pictures and sounds Number and statistics rounded Pronouns with clear references Etc…

11 The role of the press Specialisation Local news and analysis
Technological developments Advertising Special sections Sunday supplements freesheets Press in the US The New Yor Times The los Angeles Journal The Wall Street Journal

12 Tabloids suburban metropolitan Big sized More expensive

13 Magazines Wide range Theme oriented
Mass: Reader’s Digest, National Geographic Women: Vogue, Cosmopolitan Newsmagazines: inform but entertain. Time. Business – economy, financial expansion: Fortune & Forbes

14 Sunday editions with supplements
British press Quality The Daily Telegraph: conservative The Times: ‘the Establishment’ The Guardian: liberal The Independent: neutrality The Financial Times: high reputation Sunday editions with supplements

15 Human interest stories
Popular Entertainment Sensationalism Human interest stories The Sun The Daily Mirror Local press: The Glasgow Herald Yorkshire Post Magazines The Economist The New Statesman The Times Women’s Own

16 Mass media Radio Television Press Cinema Advertising

17 Broadcasting Public: audience (home) Techniques and material
Types of programmes Entertainment, drama, talk-shows, quiz… Independence: advertiser Organisation Government (license fees) Private (dependence on advertisement)

18 1950’s Swift development Advertising (even commercial channels) Influence on Western culture Money-making machines ABC, CBS, NBC (comm.): The Big Three PBS (public) Cable TV (competitors against The Big 3 In Britain  1st public service NO advertising 1930’s Advertising Style

19 Advertising Role: information and persuasion
Denotation and connotation Cultural aspects Economy in language, but precision

20 Advertising in writing
STRUCTURE headline (subhead) body copy (closing) slogan logo signature

21 Advertising (broadcasted)
TYPES musicals dramatic presentation announcer CHARACTERISTICS? Because I'm worth it! CATCHY EXPRESSIONS!

22 English speaking people
The Scots The Welsh The Irish The English The American- The Melting Pot Blacks & whites Spanish Indians

23 UK Cross of St George (Eng) The Union Jack St Patrick St Andrews (Sc)
Political system: constitutional monarchy: queen – House of Commons – House of Lords

24 UK Religion Important cities The pub Folk music

25 USA 4th of July (1776 – Independence)
Constitution and Federal Government Important cities The American Dream

26 Music and its social aspects
The Beatles Jazz (Black heritage) Using songs Why? objectives What? task What? materials How? process Where… is this going to be meaningful?

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