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Mission and vision of the faculty

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2 Mission and vision of the faculty
Mission The Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the University of Maribor (UM FERI) provides students with knowledge based on internationally recognized scientific research work, thus enabling them to be successfully integrated within future working environments in Slovenia and/or abroad. Vision •To strengthen the positions of our internationally-recognized university education and research institutions within the fields of electrical engineering, computer science, information technology, communications, media, telecommunications and mechatronics, throughout Central Europe, •To maintain high quality and be of interest for undergraduate and graduate students from Slovenia and abroad.

3 Faculty organisation Dean: Prof. Borut ŽALIK, PhD
Vice-Dean of Education: Prof. Bojan GRČAR, PhD Vice-Dean of Research: Prof. Denis ĐONLAGIĆ, PhD Student Vice-Dean:  Mateja MEH Academic and research work is conducted at the following institutes:  - Institute of Automation. - Institute of Electronics and Telecommunications. - Institute of Power Engineering. - Institute of Robotics. - Institute of Computer Science. - Institute of Informatics. - Institute of Media Communications. - Institute of Mathematics and Physics. The institutes are divided into 30 laboratories.

4 Staff Staff

5 Students

6 Teaching

7 Teaching

8 Research

9 Financing

10 Overview of teaching workload hours per week at study programmes in academic study year 11/12 and 12/13

11 Overivew of work costs per month at study programmes in academic study year 11/12 and 12/13

12 Achievements on Competitions
2013 IMAGINE CUP st place in the Slovenian Imagine Cup Competition Award in the category of innovation in the Slovenian Imagine Cup Competition The best student project in the field of information technology in DSI 2012 IMAGINE CUP rd place in the Slovenian Imagine Cup competition with the project Footure 4th place in the Slovenian Imagine Cup competition with the project H₂OME 2011 ACPC 2011 San Francisco Winning of team Lucky 7 2nd place achieved by student from FERI

13 Achievements on Competitions
IMAGINE CUP 2011 New York – final (18 best teams from 30,000 teams at the beginning) 2010 M: ANDROID CONTEST, companies Mobitel and HTC 1st place for Prometoid application; STUDENT COMPETITION OF SLOVENIAN IEEE SECTION, ERK PORTOROŽ 1st place in the Student Competition of Slovenian IEEE section 2009 INTERNATIONAL PAD DESIGN CONTEST E MEDITERRANEO TRA PRESENTE E FUTURO Among 1659 participating groups final 13th in category Visual Design. Four special commendations in addition to the three winnings The 1st and 3rd place

14 Achievements on Competitions
DAYS OF SLOVENIAN INFORMATICS LJUBLJANA The award for a virtual science park development, University of Maribor 2007 IMAGINE CUP 2007 SOUTH KOREA Placing in final STUDENT PAPER COMPETITION IN THE IEEE REGION 8 (EUROPE, AFRICA AND ASIA EXCLUDING FAR EAST), SPAIN Placing of final 5 MEMEFEST THE BIGGEST FESTIVAL OF INNOVATIVE COMMUNICATION 1st place in the Communication Studies section


16 Events FERI AGM MARIBOR (Annual General Meeting of ESN)


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