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POS Interactions and interdependencies,

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Presentation on theme: "POS Interactions and interdependencies,"— Presentation transcript:

1 POS Interactions and interdependencies,
Illustrate how life-supporting environments meet the nee of living things for nutrients, energy sources, moisture, suitable habitat, and exchange of gases Analyze an ecosystem to identify biotic and abiotic components, and describe interactions among these components Describe examples of interaction and interdependency within an ecosystem (identify examples of dependency between species, and describe adaptations involved)

2 Unit A: Interactions in Ecosystems
Needs of all living things Adaptations Interactions in Ecosystems

3 An ecosystem is Eco-place on earth where interactions between non-living and living can occur Ex. Lake, desert, rotting log Ecologist-person who studies Ecology-study of

4 An organism interacts with the Abiotic and Biotic components of its’ ecosystem
Abiotic- non living Ex. Air, water, rocks, climate, temperature Biotic- living Bacteria, plants, fungi, animals *even dead What are “antibiotics” then?

5 To count as a living thing:
Take in nutrients Exchange gases Move Reproduce Respond to stimuli (feel) grow

6 Requirements of all living things…
Energy (food) Water Habitat (shelter) Gas exchange (cellular respiration and photosynthesis)

7 Energy Food Sources Plants: Sunlight + nutrients from soil
Bacteria, Fungi: they will decompose organic matter (living things) Animals: Carbohydrates lipids Protein Vitamins + minerals Can you name some examples of each?

8 Water Is needed for: chemical reactions
transporter of nutrients and oxygen, waste (blood) air-conditioner through perspiration

9 Habitat All living organisms need a place to live, and often, require protection from the elements/predators Water source, food source Do humans have any impact on the habitats of other species? Give an example.

10 Which plants and animals occupy the following regions?
Coral reef/Ocean Arctic Cities Rainforests *write, then share How do humans impact these areas?

11 Gas Exchange Photosynthesis (song, youtube) Cellular respiration
Carbon dioxide + water + sunlight -> oxygen + sugar Cellular respiration Sugar + oxygen -> energy + carbon dioxide + water Animals, plants at night

12 Adaptations for gas exchange
Lungs ex. Humans, dogs, horses, whales Stomata Ex. plants Skin Ex. worms Gills ex. Fish

13 Adaptations Genetically inheritable physical characteristics that help an organism survive in a given environment Transportation feet, hooves, fins, wings Defense claws, teeth, shell, blubber, camouflage, quills Eating bird beaks, teeth

14 Adaptations-Examples
Lab activity: Look at the jars of creatures, identify the species and some of the adaptations that help them to survive Also use post cards with pictures of animals Create a table Animal Adaptation Purpose

15 Interactions in Ecosystems
Symbiosis is the close interaction of two species Symbiosis Mutualism Parasitism Commensalism

16 Mutualism Relationship where both species benefit +, +
Bees/birds pollinate flowers, flowers offer food source for bees Can you spot the adaptations?

17 Parasitism One organism benefits while the other is harmed
Parasite +, host - Mosquitoes take our blood, we get itchy Can you spot the adaptations?

18 Commensalism One species benefits while the other is indifferent
Orchids use trees for support, trees neither suffer nor benefit

19 Parasitism-fleas + dogs/cats

20 Commensalism-barnacles

21 Mutualism-shark + remora

22 Mutualism-shrimp + goby fish

23 Mutualism-clown fish + anemone

24 Brainpop Ecosystems Carnivorous plants Cellular respiration symbiosis
Humans and the environment photosynthesis Food chains

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