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The Renaissance Unit 2: Introduction.

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1 The Renaissance Unit 2: Introduction

2 LEQ: How can the physical features of a region contribute to its achievements?
Drill: Which physical feature(s) make Italy an ideal location for the spread of ideas? Italy

3 Easy Access to Water Trade Travel Farming Fishing
Historically, has four major advantages for civilizations: Trade Travel Farming Fishing Italy’s central location in the Mediterranean Region allowed it to develop into a great empire and again created a civilization with the ability to share and spread ideas throughout Europe during the Renaissance

4 Map of Renaissance Italy
Use page 23 of the class handout and label your map of Italy Create a key Identify and color in each of the city-states Label the surrounding bodies of water

5 The Renaissance in Italy
Unit 2 Lesson 1

6 LEQ: What is the Renaissance and where did it start?
Drill: Why might an urban environment stimulate new ideas?

7 What is the Renaissance?
The rebirth of Greek and Roman ideas in art, writing, architecture, learning, and culture. Created innovative styles of art and literature Spread from northern Italy to the rest of Europe Occurred roughly

8 Italy had 3 distinct advantages:
Why Italy? Italy had 3 distinct advantages: Overseas trade led to growth of large city-states Northern Italy was urban while the rest of Europe was still rural Ideas were exchanged in cities and the site of an intellectual revolution City-State is a sovereign state consisting of an autonomous city with its dependencies.

9 Florence was the epicenter of the Italian Renaissance.
City States Florence was the epicenter of the Italian Renaissance.

10 Wealthy Merchants and the Medici
A wealthy merchant developed in each Italian city-state Merchants dominated politics Merchants did not inherit social rank = this lead to the rise of importance of individual merit The Medici banking family came to dominate Florence and became patrons of the arts

11 Cosimo de Medici & Lorenzo de Medici

12 Basilica of San Lorenzo

13 Classical and Worldly Views
Humanism: an intellectual movement that focused more on human potential and achievements Popularized the study of history, literature, and philosophy (all are known as humanities) Worldly pleasure: Humanists suggested that a person could enjoy life without offending God

14 Renaissance Man Renaissance Man: strove to be a master in every area of study - Expected to be charming, witty, and well educated - Also should be a skilled rider, wrestler, and swordsman

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