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The Middle Ages 1066 - 1485.

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Presentation on theme: "The Middle Ages 1066 - 1485."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Middle Ages

2 Noteworthy Dates c. in 1150 Paper first mass-produced Spain
1163 Construction of Notre Dame begins 1170Thomas a’ Beckett is murdered 1215 King John forced to sign the Magna Carte 1296 Edward I invades Scotland and claims to be king c Dante begins The Divine Comedy 1325 Aztecs begin empire in Mexico c Chaucer is born (dies 1400) 1380 Bible first translated into English c Chaucer begins The Canterbury Tales. c Gutenberg’s printing press 1431 Joan of Arc dies c Incan Empire in Peru 1100-time of the heroic poem: long narrative of serious subject, legendary figure whose actions affect entire group : Crusades-brought eastern culture/scholarship west, weakened feudalism(death of knights, destruction of their property, growth of towns from trade allowed some to live outside feudal manor) 1431: Joan of Arc commanded troops as a teenager, found guilty of crimes from wearing men’s clothing to witchcraft-burned at the stake : time of the Ming dynasty-emperor built the Forbidden City, no commoner or foreigner

3 William the Conqueror Illegitimate son of the Duke of Normandy
Felt the English throne was rightfully his after the king’s death Doomsday Book - first time for taxes on property His followers brought feudalism to England

4 Feudalism King Lord Vassal Knight Serfs
Form and manners influenced all aspects of life.

5 Place of Women Subservient to all men
Husband/father’s standing determined woman’s respect Value was determined by how much land she could bring to marriage Peasant women had harsh lives, died early

6 Chivalry Knighthood Oath of loyalty Oath of bravery Oath of chastity
Oath of love Courtly Love-look but don’t touch Romance-idealized love, not Harlequin

7 Code of Chivalry Deep Christian faith Ready to die for King
Love of homeland Protect the weak and helpless Fight for right Never surrender

8 The Great Happenings The Crusades The Magna Carte Pope Urban II
Jerusalem Murder of Thomas a Beckett Henry II Canterbury The Hundred Year’s War National pride The Magna Carte Trial by jury Taxation The Plague 1/3 died Gave serfs power Anti-Semitism Ring Around the Rosie Crusades-eastern math, astronomy, architecture, crafts

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