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Hinduism Upon achieving Moksha, the soul is released from life in this world This does not usually happen in one lifetime Who can reach Moksha in the.

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2 Hinduism Upon achieving Moksha, the soul is released from life in this world This does not usually happen in one lifetime Who can reach Moksha in the Caste System?

3 Castes maintained social order and gave people a sense of identity, though life was very hard for those on the lowest rung. People believed karma determined their caste. A complex system of castes emerged. This system was closely linked to Aryan and Hindu beliefs.

4 caste – in traditional Indian society, a social group into which a person is born

5 Despite the complexity of the religion, all Hindus share some core beliefs.
Reincarnation allows an individual to work toward moksha over several lifetimes. A person’s fate in the next life is determined by karma, the result of all their actions. Other core beliefs include dharma, a person’s religious and moral duties, and ahimsa, nonviolence. Modern practices now also include ways to achieve salvation outside your dharma known as the yoga.


7 Samsara People die, and they are reborn This cycle is called Samsara What dictates your rebirth?


9 Hindus worship a variety of deities, gods and goddesses who are concrete forms of Brahman.
Avatar अवतार avatāra – to descend. Hindu gods descend to earth in many forms “Avatars”.

10 Jainism What is Jainism? ancient Indian religion What do Jains believe? everything has a soul and should not be harmed Why are Jains one of the wealthiest groups in Modern India? focus on trade and commerce to avoid hurting any creature with their work


12 Jainism Unique (not derived from another religion) ancient Indian religion Based on non-violence, honesty, self- discipline, and lack of attachment to the material world Followers are vegetarian, fast consistently, and are heavily focused on meditation



15 Explain how karma, samsara, and moksha connect.
Warm Up 3/26 (#7) Explain how karma, samsara, and moksha connect.

16 March 26, 2018 Learning Targets (I can…):
Analyze primary source documents Important Dates: 3/27: Life of the Buddha reading questions 3/29: Hinduism/Buddhism Blanket 3/30: Eastern Thought Quiz Out for Stamp: Hinduism/Buddhism Questions Take out: Agenda: Hindu Deities

17 Hindu Deity Analysis As a table group, designate a scribe (someone with good handwriting) As a group, study the picture of your Hindu deity. Discuss ALL 5 questions listed in detail (Be thorough!!) Scribe should write down the group’s final answers. Wait patiently until all are finished

18 The three key Hindu deities are:
Hindus worship a variety of deities, gods and goddesses who are concrete forms of Brahman. The three key Hindu deities are: Brahma, the Creator Vishnu, the Preserver Shiva, the Destroyer Shiva

19 Brahma: The creator of the universe

20 Vishnu The Preserver of the Universe

21 Avatars The Ten Avatars (incarnations) of Vishnu

22 Rama Embodiment of chivalry and virtue 7th incarnation of Vishnu

23 Krishna Embodiment of Love, joy, playfulness Raised by cowherds and renowned as mischievous and a lover 8th incarnation of Vishnu

24 Shiva The destroyer, The transformer, The creator Will eventually destroy the world and restart the universe’s cycle

25 Ganesh The remover of obstacles. The god of intellect and wisdom.

26 Kali Goddess of time, doomsday, death

27 Hanuman Leader of monkey armies in Ramayana Helped Rama recover his wife Sita from the demon king Ravana Brought mountain of herbs from Himalayas to heal wounded.

28 Let’s Discuss Why do you think there are so many Hindu gods?
What role do the deities play in their lives? Are the deities more beloved or feared?

29 Which of the Hindu gods would you worship and why?
Exit Ticket Answer both questions on sheet (or half sheet) of paper and place on front desk. Which of the Hindu gods would you worship and why? Would you search for a god that represented/oversaw something else that we didn’t look at?

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