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By Richmond using images from

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1 By Richmond using images from
Medieval Europe By Richmond using images from Journey Across Time Ch 15 S1: The Early Middle Ages Ch 15 S2: Feudalism Ch 15 S3: Kingdoms and Crusades Ch 15 S4: The Church and Society Ch 15 S5: The Late Middle Ages


3 Enduring Understanding:
During a difficult time period, many new ideas developed that impacted society in both positive and negative ways.

4 Essential Questions: What common threads can be found in the five religions & what are the major differences? Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, and Hinduism Why are the Middle Ages often referred to as “The Dark Ages?” How did the feudal system affect the different social classes? How did increased trade affect the development of culture?

5 Places, People, &Vocabulary:
Holy Roman Empire Missionaries Feudalism Vassal/fief/knights Chivalry Inquisition

6 Places, People, &Vocabulary:
guilds Crusades Heresy/excommunicate Anti-Semitism plague


8 Key Concepts At the end of this you should be able to….
Compare the five world religions: origins, founders, teachings, traditions, customs, beliefs, symbols, changes over time.

9 Key Concepts At the end of this you will know that….
When Rome’s government adopted Christianity in A.D. 300, it helped the new religion to spread. The religion of Islam originated in Arabia. Muslims conquered, or converted people throughout the Middle East and Mediterranean.

10 Key Concepts At the end of this you will understand the….
Connection of China and Japan to the Middle Ages: The Silk Road and effect on trade; geographic isolation of Japan and Buddhism. Influence on government by new ideas such as: feudalism, Magna Carta, Parliament. Impact of the Crusades and the inquisition. Devastation caused by the plague and war in the Late Middle Ages.

11 Turn to the person next to you and share! 
What do you want to know? Think about it, use your book if you’d like, and write down one question at the bottom of your notes. Turn to the person next to you and share! 

12 Lets get started!  Turn to page 512
Get a note page ready and title it: Ch 15 S1: The Early Middle Age

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