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2 What is a Biome? Biome: A group of land ecosystems with similar climates and organisms. Ecosystem: The community of organisms that live in a particular area, along with their nonliving surroundings. Biotic – All living things in an ecosystem (plants, animals, bacteria, etc.) Abiotic – Non-living things in an ecosystem (water, rocks, soil, light, rainfall, etc.)

3 How many biomes are there and what are they?
There are 6 major biomes Rain Forests Desert Grassland Deciduous forest Boreal forest Tundra

4 Rain Forest Biome Two types:
Temperate Rain Forests found in the NW US. Tropical Rain Forests found along the equator. Sometimes called Jungles.

5 Temperate Rain Forest > 300cm of rain/yr. Huge hardwood trees
Moderate temperatures

6 Temperate Rain Forest

7 Tropical Rain Forest Close to equator. Warm and humid year round
Distinct tree layers (strata) More biodiversity than any other biome!

8 Tropical Rain Forest Biome

9 Desert Biome < 25cm of rain per year.
Evaporation > precipitation Big temperature shifts daily Found outside of the equator Organisms need special adaptations to survive.

10 Desert Biomes

11 Grassland Biome Middle Latitudes
Prairie: mostly grasses and other non-woody plants 25-75cm of rain/yr. Savanna: Grasses, small shrubs, and small trees. up to 120cm of rain/yr.

12 Grassland Biomes

13 Temperate Deciduous Forest Biome
Deciduous trees loose their leaves annually. Rain 50cm/yr. Large variation in temp. over the yr.

14 Temperate Deciduous Forest

15 Boreal Forest Biomes AKA Taiga
Located in colder regions in the upper middle latitudes Trees are coniferous. Seeds are in cones and leaves are needle shaped.

16 Boreal Forest Biomes

17 Tundra Biome Extremely dry and cold
Most soil is frozen yr. round, upper area that defrosts = permafrost Plants: mosses, grasses, shrubs and dwarf trees. Shallow ponds/marshy areas in the summer. Located in the Northern Hemisphere and north of the Arctic Circle.

18 Tundra Biomes


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