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Bullying In Middle School.

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1 Bullying In Middle School

2 What is Bullying? Bullying is a conscious, willful,
and deliberate hostile activity intended to harm, induce fear through the threat of further aggression, and create terror. (cited in Coloroso, 2003, 13-14)

3 Bigger Continue violence Bullies can be… controlling And Bullies …
Threatening violent More popular stronger Bigger Verbally adept controlling older Aggressive intimidating And Bullies … Inflict emotional harm Continue violence Inflict physical pain takes pleasure in witnessing the hurt

4 Bullying is Scary Dangerous

5 Bullying Hurts Everyone
Bullying Involves 3 People or Groups: The Bully The Victim The Bystanders The Group with the most power…

6 Types of Bullying Physical Bullying
Hitting, kicking, pushing, threatening, stealing, hiding someone’s belongings Verbal Bullying Name-calling, teasing, insulting, harassing Relationship Bullying Ignoring, isolating, refusing to talk to someone, spreading rumors & lies

7 77% of students are bullied mentally, verbally, & physically
77% of students are bullied mentally, verbally, & physically.   Cyber bullying statistic are rapidly approaching similar numbers. Copyright

8 Causes of Bullying Bullying is a learned behavior, NOT a trait
Stress, Neglect Reality vs. violent video games & television Previous victim 40% of bullies have been bullied themselves Immature social skills Permissive parents, self-centered parents Inconsistent discipline Not learning empathy

9 Effects of Bullying Low self-esteem Shame Avoid school (absences)
Violence Isolation Suicide Fear, anxiety, depression …the effects of bullying last forever. From Bullying! – Causes and Possible Solutions

10 Each day 160,000 students miss school for fear of being bullied
Each day 160,000 students miss school for fear of being bullied. Copyright

11 Students Stop Bullying
Talk to an adult – it isn’t snitching Be a leader Get involved as a student advisor Be a friend Don’t be a bystander- say something If it is safe, tell the bully to stop Say something nice to the victim Encourage the victim to talk to an adult

12 Peer Intervention helps more than adult intervention on the playground
Peer Intervention helps more than adult intervention on the playground. When adults intervene, 4% of bully situations stop, when peers intervene, 11% stop. Copyright

13 Bad Hitting Back Name Calling Arguing Yelling Crying Giving In
Reactions to Bullying Bad Hitting Back Name Calling Arguing Yelling Crying Giving In Good Ignoring Stay with friends Make a joke Avoid the bully Change the subject Report the danger

14 Parents of Bullies Talk to your child and be firm
Recognize that bullying is not a normal part of growing up. Set Guidelines: stay away from the children being bullied, stay away from children you are bullying with, go directly to and from school, you will be supervised Listen to teachers and communicate with teachers (it isn’t easy to hear that your child may be a bully). From From Bullying! – Causes and Possible Solutions

15 Parents of the Bullied Offer comfort and support
Praise your child for coming forward Empathize with your child, not the bully Contact the school or other parents Work together

16 Parents Should Know The Warning Signs
Torn clothing Anxiety Insomnia Stress Headaches Moodiness Crying Stomach aches Teens are not always forthcoming, so parents need to talk.

17 Parents Should Talk About Sex
When open communication about sex is already in place, teens are more likely to talk about bullying that involves sex. If there is no precedent for talking about sex at home, teens are less likely to report sexual harassment. Bullying that involves sex: sexual harassment rumors about sex.

18 Parents Should Promote Tolerance
Students are bullied for being different- race, gender, appearance, religion, sexual orientation, disability or being PERCEIVED as different. 75% of ALL teenagers report exposure to derogatory homophobic remarks. With Parent support, teens are protected from suicide and mental illnesses. Without parent support, teens are more likely to use drugs, be depressed or attempt suicide

19 Parents Should Help Explore Friendships
Friendships outside of school Peer support lowers anxiety when students are bullied. Friends: religious groups, music classes, Karate instruction, sports, art classes, etc

20 Parents Should Encourage Teens to have a Mentor
Teens do not always confide in their parents Mentors provide guidance support encouragement Parents should be willing to let another adult into their child’s life without interfering

21 Parents Should Utilize the Internet
Countless valuable resources Shows students “life” after bullying Feel support from websites & videos Students see effects can fade over time Use of the internet should be supervised.

22 Parents Should Encourage Counseling
Bulling causes depression, anxiety, shame, isolation, & low self-esteem Counseling Helps - teaches healthy coping skills - handle the effects - creates a safe-environment to talk & share thoughts Parents: seek out counselors Image from

23 How Schools Stop Bullying
Establish a discipline plan Have open communication between staff members Track bullies centrally and monitor their behavior Treat students fairly Empower bystanders and allow anonymous reporting Provide counseling as needed

24 More youth violence occurs on school grounds as opposed to on the way to school. Copyright

25 Resources

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