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Establishing a National Identity

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1 Establishing a National Identity

2 Kulturkamph (“culture struggle”)- Bismarck’s attempts to weaken Catholic church
Prussia (except the Rhineland) and other northern states were protestant but 1/3 population (mainly southern states) were Catholic. Bismarck therefore saw the Roman Catholic Church as a threat to political power. The 3 main objectives for Bismarck’s Kulturkampf were to: Establish State control over Catholic church, weaken the Catholic Centre Party and to increase national unity.

3 Establish State control over Catholic Church
· Catholic Department of the Prussian Ministry of Culture abolished (1871) · In 1872, the Jesuits (extreme Catholics) were expelled from Germany. · The May laws of 1873 allowed the gvt to supervise the education of the Roman Catholic clergy, and curtailed the disciplinary powers of the church. · In 1875, civil ceremonies were required for weddings, which could hitherto be performed in churches. Subsidies would be suspended from 1875 to all churches who refused to comply. · By of the 12 Catholic Bishops were in exile or under house arrest. More than 1000 priests had been suspended.

4 Weaken the Catholic Centre Party
· Bismarck tried to get the Vatican and German bishops to withdraw support for the party in 1872 but on the Vatican’s refusal he stepped up anti-catholic measures. · Bismarck worked with the mainly protestant National liberals, wary of the Pope’s opposition to Liberal values to govern and to suppress the Catholic centre party.

5 Increase National Unity
· Bismarck tried to ‘Germanize’ many of the Catholic minorities living on the border (French in Alsace-Lorraine, Danes in the north, Poles in the east). · The Polish Language in Education and law Courts and Alsace-Lorraine was ruled directly by Prussia as a ‘special region’. · The German Language was imposed in schools and local administration (forced minorities to become German).

6 The Result Unfortunately for Bismarck, these measures only encouraged support for the Church which thrived on persecution and the Catholic Centre Party- 58 seats (1871) grows to 91 (1874). He was therefore forced to abandon the Kulturkampf in 1878 to preserve what political capital he had left.

7 Successes Bismarck’s attack on the Catholic Church holds together his alliance with the National Liberals, enabling him to govern, and it also does establish a certain amount of State control over what were previously Church areas. Failures However the rise in support of the Centre Party and the Catholic Church makes the Kulturkampf a failure for Bismarck and he is forced to back off. · The opposition to the Unified regime makes the country less united, rather than more so – despite some increase in state control over the church, the effort must be judged a failure.

8 Introduction-National Unity
Germany united 1871, but still divisions most notably on religious grounds. Two-thirds Germany, mainly in Prussia and North, are Protestant. One third is Catholic – Poles, Rhinelanders, southern Germans. Bismarck himself is concerned about effects of these divides upon Germany - minorities are Catholic, threatening unity. Also rise of Catholic Centre Party provides opposition to his Germany. · Bismarck very concerned with internal enemies in the years following Unification. · Universal German Workingmen’s Association formed in 1863 in Prussia – moderate organisation to get more power for workers. · 1869 – Social Democratic Workers’ Party – a Marxist party committed to revolution. · Combine in 1875 to form the German Social Democratic Party (SDP). Declared aim: overthrow the existing order. · Bismarck concerned – workers cannot be loyal to both a socialist organisation and the state. SDP support growing – 12 seats, 500,000 votes in They DO want to overthrow the government. · Sets out to stop them by two methods: · 1) Destroying the power of the SDP · 2) Trying to win over the support of the working classes. Paragraphs 1.Kulturekamph 2.Treatment of minorities 3.Treatment of socialists

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