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UNIFICATION OF GERMANY. PRUSSIA AS LEADER 1800’s: Germany remained a patchwork of independent states Own laws, currency, and rulers (Until Prussia steps.

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2 PRUSSIA AS LEADER 1800’s: Germany remained a patchwork of independent states Own laws, currency, and rulers (Until Prussia steps in) Prussia: Napoleon I defeated Prussia (Limited lands, army, money to soldiers of France). Prussians found ways around Napoleon’s restrictions Drafted army Four great powers at Congress of Vienna Congress of Vienna Created German Confederation Prussia absorbs regions into efficient govt. and strong economy. HRE was abolished and Congress of Vienna did not restore. German Nationalism favored Prussia more than Austria.

3 POST CONGRESS OF VIENNA German unification=involved economy Tariffs imposed by German states made trade costly Junkers: aristocratic landowners that complained that tariffs were hurting sales of farm products. Campaigned for freer movement of goods Persuaded King of Prussia to abolish tariffs within territories Zollverein: customs union which made prices lower and more uniform. Spread industrialization through Germany (Moved toward Unification) Politically: each state acted independently Representatives of National Assembly German unification would be made by king and prime minister

4 BISMARCK AND PRUSSIAN STRENGTH William I: becomes king of Prussia in 1861. Otto Von Bismarck was head of Prussian cabinet. Bismarck: built army (War machine) Expansion of Prussia Collects taxes without approval to build army

5 WARS OF UNIFICATION Danish War Two small states: Schleswig and Holstein : between Germany and Denmark King Christian XI proclaimed new constitution of Danes which he tried to annex Schleswig for Denmark. Prussia and Austria protest and demanded it be revoked Prussia and Austria declare war on Denmark 3 months, Denmark surrendered Two small states were given to Prussia and Austria Caused confrontation between both.

6 Seven Week’s War: Bismarck prepared conflict with Austria Persuaded Napoleon III of France to remain neutral Formed alliance with Italy Provoked war over the two small states Startled world with use of technology and Beating Austria in Seven Weeks Treaty of Prague: German Confederation was dissolved Austria surrendered Holstein Italy gained Venetia Several north German states united with Prussia to form North German Confederation. (King of Prussia was president).

7 Franco Prussian War: happened to complete unification of Germany Bismarck received telegram from King William Edits telegram so that sounds like king insults French ambassador France declares war on Prussia in 1870. Southern German states united against French Prussian army defeated France Napoleon III and government had fell

8 FORMATION OF THE GERMAN EMPIRE January 18, 1871: Reps of allied German states met in Hall of Mirrors at the Palace of Versailles near Paris. Declared formation of German Empire, including German states except Austria. King William I of Prussia was German emperor Bismarck: named Chancellor (chief minister) (“Iron Chancellor)


10 PROBLEMS FOR EMPIRE Constitution gave people little voice, and dissatisfied joined political parties that opposed Bismarck’s policies. Fear of ever-growing army More representation to voters of upper class was given. Bismarck=Protestant Did not trust loyalty of Catholics Members of Centre Party Kulturkampf: anti-Catholic program meaning “culture struggle.” Catholic: had to attend German schools Diplomatic relations broken with Vatican Expelled Jesuits

11 SOCIALISM Government owns the mean of production within society. Laborers developed that wanted decent working conditions. Social Democratic Party (SDP): called for government ownership of major industries. Eventually elect 12 members to Reichstag. Problem: Reichstag was the lower house of the government. Socialists could express grievances.

12 BISMARCK’S ANTISOCIALIST CAMPAIGN When SDP received a lot of power, Bismarck wanted to fight them. Opportunity=assassination attempts against emperor Accused Socialist Party Dissolved Reichstag=new elections (Does not limit power) Bismarck prohibited: Newspapers, books, and pamphlets Public meetings of socialists Granted many reforms socialists proposed (Fewer people would support) Working hours, holidays, pensions Reduced worker’s grievances.

13 RESIGNATION OF BISMARCK Kaiser William I dies Frederick III succeeds him (dies in few months) William II becomes emperor Absolute authority of emperor Bismarck had too much power Reduces Bismarck powers Bismarck wants to change constitution William II does not go for this Bismarck hands in his resignation William II accepts it.

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