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Causes of World War I American History.

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1 Causes of World War I American History

2 MANIA Militarism (weapons race) Alliances Nationalism Imperialism Assassination

3 Europe’s Great Powers Germany Great Britain Russia Italy Austria-Hungary

4 Causes of World War I An uneasy peace grips Europe… efforts for peace are challenged Nationalism rises Fierce competition between countries By 20th century rivalry exists between Europe’s great powers Nationalism – patriotic feelings or efforts, an extreme form of this marked by feelings of superiority over other countries

5 Causes of WWI Why compete with each other? Imperialism Militarism
Materials and markets for selling them Territorial disputes (ex: Franco-Prussian War) Imperialism France vs. Germany (fighting for Morocco) Militarism Arms race leads to big military power Militarism – glorifying military power and keeping army ready for war

6 Causes of WW1 Tangled alliances
Instead of creating peace, alliances lead to war Otto von Bismark forges an early pact Created the Triple Alliance (Italy, Germany, and A- H) against France Also allies with Russia However Russia and A-H are enemies

7 Causes of WW1 Shifting Alliances threaten peace
1890 Kaiser Wilhelm forces Bismark to resign Germany looses alliance with Russia Russia joins France Potential for two front war Germany envies Great Britain & challenges them by building ships to become equal in naval power

8 Causes of WW1 Great Britain is alarmed! They enlarge their naval fleet
Enter the Triple Entente, another alliance, with France and Russia This alliance does not agree with fight ALONGSIDE one another, but they won’t fight against each other

9 Causes of WW1 Balkans considered a “Powder keg”
Many different groups of ethnicities all living in the same small area Histories of nationalist uprisings

10 MANIA Causes of WW1 Spark that starts “The Great War”
“Black Hand” assassinates Franz Ferdinand (and wife) Serbian terrorist organization Ferdinand is the heir to the A-H throne Considered a good excuse to punish Serbia MANIA

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