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The Civil War – One nation, TWO cultures

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1 The Civil War – One nation, TWO cultures
The Union The Confederacy To the North, it was seen as treason – “The War of The Rebellion” – not a “civil” war at all. The South did NOT have the right to leave the “Union” of the United States for ANY reason. The North was industrial, supportive of the tariff. To the South, it was a matter of the rights of the states – in fact, to them, it was “The War Between the States.” They believed a state had the right to leave the US and become its own nation or join another! The CSA was agrarian society. The Federals The Rebels

2 What were the chain of events that caused it?
Missouri Compromise Compromise of 1850 Kansas Nebraska Act & Bleeding Kansas Dred Scott Decision John Brown Hanging “Uncle Tom’s Cabin” by Harriett Beecher Stowe Election of Abraham Lincoln Secession of South Carolina and then Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, and Texas Firing upon Ft. Sumter by South Assign Dred Scot reading and questions from text or do in class.


4 Why Did It Have to Happen?
No agreement about expansion of slavery in West. Southern dependence on agriculture and hatred of tariff. Reform movements gaining popularity with abolition being #1.

5 Your Task Create a visual simile that compares the eruption of a volcano
At the bottom, summarize and explain how the compromises and disagreements over the expansion of slavery led to the Civil War Draw pressure streams of magma that show which events caused the eruption Draw lava bombs and streams that show which events resulted from the pressure streams Civil War Bleeding Kansas secession Uncle Tom’s Cabin Missouri & Compromise of 1850, Kansas Nebraska Act Abolition




9 The Who… The North The South
Jefferson Davis, President of the Confederate States of America General Robert E. Lee, Commanding General of the Confederate Forces after being promoted from General of Virginia Forces Abraham Lincoln, President of the Union – the United States General Ulysses S. Grant, General in Union Army General William Tecumseh Sherman, General in Union Army Pass out Ignite Page 6 Key Figures from Civil War Unit

10 Fort Sumter, South Carolina Antietam Vicksburg, Mississippi
Battles to Remember Fort Sumter, South Carolina Antietam Vicksburg, Mississippi Gettysburg, Pennsylvania Appomattox, Virginia THERE WERE OTHERS TOO!

11 FORT SUMTER The First Shots O Caroline, Caroline, Child of the sun,
We can never forget, That our hearts have been one! Oliver Wendell Holmes The First Shots

12 Antietam 1st battle on Union soil, 1862 23,000 died
Ended Lee’s 1st invasion into the North Allowed Lincoln to issue Emancipation Proclamation after Union victory Kept Europe from helping South.

13 The Tide Turns to the North
Vicksburg Gettysburg July 1-3, 1863 Over 50,000 dead Lee’s leadership failed for first time South suffers stunning defeat from which it can’t overcome Lincoln fires Gen. Meade for not ending war and puts Grant in charge July 4, 1863 9 month siege to stop blockade of Mississippi river General Grant wins and cuts South in two parts and makes it unable to get supplies Read Gettysburg Address Here

14 APPOMATTOX General Lee in retreat from Petersburg waiting for supplies
Lines cut by Union Forces Virginia army cut in two with no help Lee meets Grant for terms to surrender on April 9, 1865!

15 Now What To Do? End various battles throughout nation
Catch Jefferson Davis who refuses to surrender Should the South be punished for its crimes, or forgiven like a prodigal son?

16 Lincoln Wants To Forgive The South
Read from 2nd inaugural here “The South expects us to punish them, but we will be lenient…”

17 He also promises citizenship for African Americans displeasing many including one John Wilkes Booth and is killed April 14, 1865

18 Andrew Johnson becomes the 17th President of the United States
Reconstruction Begins

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