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Maths will be based on the new National Curriulum.

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1 Maths will be based on the new National Curriulum.
Design & Technology Design and create a chair for a character from “James and the Giant Peach” Use research criteria to develop products which are fit for purpose and aimed at specific groups -Use annotated sketches, cross-section diagrams & computer-aided design -Analyse & evaluate existing products and improve own work Art -Art in the style of Quentin Blake -New book cover -Victorian art RE: Year 5: Sikh stories Year 6: Journeys and the beginnings of Judaism Years 5 and 6 Spring Term 2017 Literacy will be based on ‘Talk for Writing’, in which children learn the features of a text and use them as a model before creating their own versions of a text type. There will be a strong emphasis on grammar and spelling. Year 5: Recount of theatre trip, literacy activities based on “The Witches” by Roald Dahl. Narrative stories, autobiographies and exploring our literacy heritage with a focus on Alice in Wonderland. Year 6: Biographies and autobiographies based on “Boy” by Roald Dahl, diary entries, character descriptions. Suspense narratives, poetry by Roger McGough and Michael Rosen Year 5 & 6: Presentations on favourite books, characters or extracts. Readings from various Roald Dahl books and poems. Learning and presenting of poems from “Revolting Rhymes.” Writing inspired by “Street Child” by Berlie Doherty. PE: Year 5: dance and gym Year 6: football with Reading FC and gym History: the children will investigate life during the Victorian era particularly the life of Victoria; changes in society; social improvement; the reasons why people moved from farms to towns; schooling; life in towns and conditions in factories. We will focus on the use of evidence and encourage the children to formulate their own opinions and justify them. Science: Evolution Living things, variations, fossils, adapting to suit environment Computing Use software to film and edit a short film, working collaboratively

2 Please refer to the ‘What to Expect in the year 5 &6’ booklets available from the office and on the school website. PLACES TO VISIT Reading Museum: Information about Victorian Reading Museum of Rural Life, Reading Photographs and tools from the Victorian countryside. Forbury Gardens is a park in the centre of Reading, recently restored to its former Victorian glory. Hughenden Manor High Wycombe: The home of Disraeli. National Trust Property Windsor Castle, Berkshire: Queen Victoria and Prince Albert are buried here. Great Britain Bristol: Brunel's great iron ship being restored. National Maritime Museum, Greenwich: The Cutty Sark is moored here. Natural History Museum, London: One of the museums planned by Prince Albert. Royal Albert Hall, Victoria Station, Albert Memorial in Regent's park Covent Garden is famous today for its shops, street performers, restaurants and theatres. In Victorian times, it was a busy market place selling fruits, vegetables, fish and flowers. Florence Nightingale Museum: 2 Lambeth Palace Road London SE1 7EW United Kingdom The National Portrait Gallery: selection of portraits from 1837 to 1901. Osborne House: Isle of Wight Museum of London:

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