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Why Is There A Need For Green Data Center? Data Center Costs Are Rising.

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2 Why Is There A Need For Green Data Center?

3 Data Center Costs Are Rising

4 When the data centers are upgraded, the costs rise due to the addition of new equipment. They require more physical space as well Redundancy in data-center also leads to more consumption of electricity 01 02 03

5 Green Data Center Reduce Environmental Impact

6 They consume lesser energy that reduces the impact on the environment To this end, new equipment is used. It is not just more capable but more energy efficient. So just by upgradation to the latest equipment, the power consumption can be reduced significantly. 01 02 03

7 They Use Virtualization

8 It is the latest trend in data efficiency because of energy consumption With virtualization, many machines may run on a single powerful server. With reduced hardware requirement, the power consumption is significantly reduced as well. 01 02 03

9 Turning off Hardware that’s Not in Use

10 Scalability provisions offered by data- centers leads to dead server space. This idle capacity consumes power and other resources. The result is that you end up paying for a capacity that is never used. 01 02 03

11 Conclusion Opting for green data reduces costs by manifold. You see better profits with use of green technologies.

12 Sources: nters_growth_features_and_how_data_center/?ref=share&ref_sou rce=link

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