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Presentation on theme: "WELCOME!."— Presentation transcript:


2 Welcome and Thank You! Welcome to GLL Team Parent Meeting!
Thank you for volunteering to keep your team organized and communicate GLL information. Head Team Parent/ Fundraising Contacts Rachel Richards: Mandy Hobbs: *Please note your division (A, AA, Majors, etc.) and team name in all communications!

3 Team Parents Support Their Team By Coordinating (And Delegating):
1) Snack Tickets 2) Raffle Basket for Opening Day 3) Team Pictures 4) Volunteers for Field Day 5) Collect money for Little League Day (A’s Day) 6) Jerseys 7) Fundraising Help manager: 8) Get one or more sponsorships for your team 9) Collect necessary paperwork


5 How many Snack Tickets Should I order?
Rookie= 11 games X # of players on your team = total snack tickets needed for the season T-ball= 12 games Farm = 15 games A= 19 games AA= 20 games AAA= 20 games Majors= 19 games



8 Team Pictures by Shooting Stars Photography:
Team Pictures will be on Opening Day (March 3rd) at Max Baer Park. Picture day schedule will be released the week before Opening Day. Families can order online or bring their picture form and payment. Please distribute picture forms to your team (included in your packet)

9 Field Clean Up Day: Field Day will be on Feb 17th from 8am-4pm
We need TWO volunteers per team Bring tools, etc.

10 Little League Day With The A’s:
Sunday, May 6th at 1:05pm; Orioles vs. A’s $22 per ticket (usually $26 per ticket) Includes pre-game festival, on-field parade, and a giveaway for all kids under age 14. Money due to Erica Badger at Team Parent drop off on February 23rd from 5pm-7pm or February 24th from 10am-12pm. Erica’s Make ONE check payable to GLL or cash Note: Two forms…one for families, one for team parent

11 A’s Day form for families to complete and turn in to Team Parent:

12 A’s Day form for Team Parent to turn in to Erica Badger:

13 Jerseys: Last names only
Cost ~$16 per player for letters on back of shirt, last name and number on hat, and sleeve patch at All Star Sports in Pleasanton (Phone: ) Coaches will be contacted when they are ready to be picked up Try jersey on each child before taking to printer. Do not let child take home jersey until after the printing is complete. For info about jerseys, contact Candy Aguilar at

14 FUNDRAISING: Cookie dough fundraiser-
If a person on your team did not do the buy out, there is an order form in the envelope that was handed out at the door. If they do not want to sell cookie dough, they still have the option to buy out, the cost is $50. Fundraising order forms can be dropped off, in the envelope provided, on Friday, Feb. 23, from 5-7pm, or Saturday, Feb. 24, from 10am-noon. We will be at a table next to field 2. Cookie dough distribution will be mid-April, a schedule will be provided closer to the date

15 Sponsorships: Help your manager find a team sponsor!

16 Paperwork: Ask your manager if they need help collecting these forms…
Code of conduct forms (Coach will keep these) Medical Release form (Coach will keep these) Volunteer forms for ANYONE that will be on the field or in the dugouts with the players. Please note: there are TWO versions (Returning VS. New) volunteer forms to our Safety Director, Chris Green: *ALL FORMS CAN BE FOUND ON GLL WEBSITE: Click “Volunteer”, “Team Parent”*



19 Volunteer form – NEW

20 Volunteer Form – RETURNING

21 Organizing tipS: Delegate:
Raffle Basket Coordinator Two Volunteers for Field Clean Up Jersey Coordinator to drop off and pick up Team parent collects money for jerseys, snack tickets, raffle basket, Little League A’s Day all at the same time. CASH is easiest to collect…otherwise need: ONE check to GLL for Snack Tickets ONE check to GLL for A’s Day If allowing checks from your families, the parents will write a check to TEAM PARENT, then the team parent will write the check to GLL. Fundraising “Buy Out” checks can be per family.


23 Important Dates: Basket theme and snack ticket orders are due by Wednesday, February 21st. ( to Friday, February 23rd from 5pm-7pm OR Saturday, February 24th from 10am-12pm behind field #2: Snack tickets distribution Turn in Little League A’s Day money Fundraising forms or buyout checks Sponsorship forms (if coach has not already turned them in) Opening Day is Saturday, March 3rd. Festivities start at 8am. Plan for a long and fun day! Raffle Baskets drop off between 7am-7:45am. Look for the tables behind field #2. Closing Ceremony is Saturday, June 2nd



26 PARKING: Please remind your team to park in designated spots only in the Smith School parking lot. Livermore PD will be coming through the lot ticketing cars that are parked incorrectly. Please also remind your team to be courteous of our neighbors, do not block crosswalks, driveways or corners on the street In the Smith School parking lot, please note the green curb is for ESS pick up, Monday-Friday, from 3:30-6pm. Please do not park in this area, even if it is just to pick up or drop off your player.


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