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The Affluent Society.

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Presentation on theme: "The Affluent Society."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Affluent Society

2 1950s… What comes to mind when you think of the 1950s?

3 The 1950’s Society

4 Shifts in the Post-War Society
Average American income  3x “Blue-collar” jobs  “White-collar” jobs Multinational corps & franchises Mc’dees had 8 franchises by the early 1950s New Consumerism

5 THE BABY BOOM!!! Years : 65 million babies At its height in 1957, a baby was born in America every 7 seconds Over 4.3 million babies in ’57 alone Baby boomers represent the largest generation in the nation’s history

6 Suburbia: Levittown Developer William Levitt addressed the demand for houses caused by the Baby Boom Created Levittown in NY 100 mass-produced homes in a potato field 10 miles East of NYC 1947  1951: Thousands of families rushed to buy one

7 Levittown

8 1950s Family The Baby Boom White flight -- Suburbs
A return to traditional family roles Men were expected to work, while women were expected to stay home and care for the children Conflict emerged as some women wanted to stay in the workforce

9 Women settled back into “traditional” roles
“Let’s face it girls, that wonderful guy in your house—and in mine—is building your house, your happiness and the opportunities that will come to your children.” “Set your sights on a happy home, a host of friends and a bright future through the success of HIS job.” -BH&G Magazine, 1955

10 LEISURE IN THE 1950s Americans experienced shorter work weeks and more vacation time than ever before Leisure time activities became a multi-billion dollar industry Labor-saving devices added more spare time Labor-saving devices provided more leisure time for Americans

In 1953 alone Americans spent $30 billion on leisure Popular activities included fishing, bowling, hunting and golf Americans attended, or watched on T.V., football, baseball and basketball games Bowling remains one of the top leisure activities in the U.S.

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