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Kindergarten News February 2017

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Presentation on theme: "Kindergarten News February 2017"— Presentation transcript:

1 Kindergarten News February 2017
-Please remember to have your children wear appropriate footwear and jackets to go outside for recess. -When there is snow outside, your child needs to wear boots and gloves to be able to go in the snow at recess. If they want to play in the snow, they will need full snow attire. Otherwise, they will need to stay on the blacktop. -Don’t forget to record your daily reading time on your Pizza Hut Book-it calendar. Math: Addition, subtraction, and equal symbols, flat and solid shapes, simple number stories, counting by 10’s, number grids, making and reading graphs/tables. Reading: Guided reading groups, study stations, reading comprehension strategies (main idea/detail, picture clues, making connections, and retelling). Writing: How-to teaching books -Tells what to do, in steps -Numbers the steps -Has a picture for each step -Diagrams that teach Birthdays: Emily (16th), Tanner (22nd) Nicholas (23rd), and Celia (27th) No School: February 17th (in-service) and February 20th (President’s Day) Important Dates: Feb. 7th-100th Day and collections due Feb. 14th-Valentine’s Day party Feb. 24th-iMOM breakfast Discovery Space: Feb. 6th, 13th, and 27th

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