Chapter 2: European Exploration and Settlement

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1 Chapter 2: European Exploration and Settlement

2 Section 1 - Introduction
Marco Polo Told stories of “The Indies” Stated that there were riches but was too dangerous to travel by land People started trying to figure out a way by water They were scared Unknown World was flat – felt could sail off the Earth


4 Section 2: Spain Starts an Empire
Christopher Columbus Wanted to get rich so decided to sail to the Indies Needed money Persuaded King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain to give money Sailed out and landed in the Caribbean. He found native and called them Indians because he thought he was in India.


6 Columbian Exchange Transfer of people, plants, animals, and diseases back and forth across Atlantic Europeans – Good, better diet and more riches Native Americans – Bad, small pox and other diseases, some areas 90% wiped out

7 Slavery Comes to America
First slaves were Native Americans Slaves were often people who lost wars and treated as property by their conquerors When they died down African slave traders began trading Africans to the Europeans Africans sold Africans because they wanted money Slaves voyage was horrible, traveled on crowded, disease infested ships


9 Cortes Conquers Mexico
Hernan Cortes (1519) traveled to Mexico to claim it for Spain Reached Aztec capital, Tenochtitlan and met the powerful Aztec tribes Mistaken him for a god Killed the Aztecs and put them into slavery


11 Pizarro Conquers Peru (1532)
Finds the Incas and captures the leader Wants gold in return for giving back leader When received the gold still killed the leader anyways Smallpox played a major role in the conquering of North American Empires

12 Questions 2.1 – 2.2 Who was the man who told stories of “The Indies” and got everyone excited to find it? Who was the man from Spain who sailed from Spain “The Indies” and ended up in the Caribbean? Who was involved in the Columbian exchange and for who was it good and for was it bad? Who were the first slaves in North America? What disease played a huge role in conquering the Native American empires in Spain? Turn to page 21 and answer the questions about the map

13 Section 3: The Spanish Borderlands
Ponce de Leon (1513) went searching for the “fountain of youth” part of Indian rumors Instead he discovered Florida Florida natives were not friendly, drove off invaders with poisoned arrows Died from a poison arrow in his stomach


15 Coronado Expedition Francisco Vasquez de Coronado (1540) searched for the Golden Cities Instead found old Native American houses, pueblos Little , crowded village all crumpled together Trip unsuccessful, no money to be found

16 Settling the Borderlands
Two types of settlements – 1) Forts and 2) Missions Built forts to claim their areas Forts were filled with soldiers if invaders came they could stop them St. Augustine – oldest permanent settlement in U.S. They built missions to spread their religion Missionaries came to “give” their religion to Natives Made them convert to the Catholic faith If they did not convert were beaten or killed


18 Impact of Native Americans
Native Americans and Europeans gained good and bad from each other. Native Americans (Good) – new ways to survive and grow crops Native Americans (Bad) – Death and disease Europeans only benefited by gaining slaves, money, and land.

19 Questions Chap. 2.3 What did Ponce de Leon sail out to find?
What were the 2 main types of settlements that Spain established in North America and who lived in those settlements? What did Coronado go out to find? What is the oldest permanent settlement in the United States? What was the purpose of Missionaries being sent to the new settlement?

20 Section 4: New France France wanted part of the glory and went to the New Land Jacques Cartier (1534) sailed and found Canada, named it “New France” Found riches not through gold but through beavers Beaver fur = hot fashion, expensive France wanted more people to come so they offered them free land. People gave up farming to hunt beavers



23 Native American Business Partners
French saw Native Americans as business partners and not slaves Samuel de Champlain (1608) teamed up with the Huron Indians and the French lived with them and even married them Helped the Huron to attack their enemies, the Iroquois The Iroquois from that day forward would be bitter enemies of the French


25 Claiming Louisiana Robert de La Salle (1682) claimed the Mississippi River and everything west of it for France Named this area Louisiana for the French monarch, King Louis XIV


27 Questions 2.4 When Cartier found Canada he also found something that was worth more than gold, what was it? French did not see the Native Americans as slaves, but they saw them as what? When Champlain found the Native Americans he teamed up with them, what was one thing the French and Native Americans did to really join as one people? La Salle claimed for France everything west of what river?

28 Section 5: Jamestown – The First English Colony
John Cabot (1497) planned to sail to Asia Missed Asia and landed in North America Claimed this land for England

29 The Lost Colony of Roanoke
Sir Walter Raleigh (1587) sailed to North America and landed in North Carolina and started a colony Bad Luck Colony – nothing worked right and they all disappeared All that was left was the word CROATOAN carved on a doorpost The word even until this day remains a mystery


31 Settling Jamestown Called it Jamestown
In 1607, the first English colony was settled in Virginia Called it Jamestown Colony was surrounded by powerful Indian tribes and disease carrying mosquitoes Men were not farmers, mostly gentlemen and craftsmen To survive English wanted to trade with Indians, but they did not want to Hunger and disease took over


33 Captain John Smith (1608) Took charge of Jamestown
Met with the Indians and was almost killed Saved by Pocahontas, brought him food and peace


35 The Starving Time Smith was injured in 1609 by a gunpowder explosion and returned to England Called this the “Starving Time” People died, only 6 to 500 people survived No food – ate dogs, rats, and humans to try and live


37 Jamestown Survives More English came to help Jamestown from constant danger of Indian attacks Kidnapped Pocahontas – learned the English way of life Began growing tobacco started by John Rolfe He married Pocahontas and finally brought peace to Jamestown


39 Questions 2.5 What happened to the settlers of the colony of Roanoke?
What was the first English colony in the state of Virginia called? Who took the leadership role in this colony? What were the three things that the Jamestown colonists ate during the “Starving Time” period? Who saved the English colony by her communication between the English and the Native Americans?

40 Section 6: New Netherland
Henry Hudson (1609) wanted to find the Northwest Passage for the Dutch Didn’t find it, but found the Hudson River Made a settlement in modern day New York and began fur trading Dutch West India Company – “New Netherlands”


42 Relations with Native Americans
Peter Minuit (1626) new governor of New Netherland Wanted Manhattan Island traded $24 worth of goods to buy the land Dutch traded with North Americans and became friends Dutch supplied Iroquois Indians with guns in exchange for fur Dutch partnered with Iroquois to help them defeat the Huron tribe

43 New Amsterdam Peter Stuyvesant (1647) hired to be colony’s new governor Called it “New Amsterdam” The area began to grow They accepted other cultures England came in and were stronger took the land without a fight and named it New York


45 Questions 2.6 Henry Hudson wanted to find the Northwest Passage for what nationality of people? What was the name of the Fur Company that Henry Hudson and his colony established? What modern day state did the Dutch purchase for $24 in goods?

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