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Advanced Placement United States History American Pageant Kennedy

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1 Advanced Placement United States History American Pageant Kennedy
Cohen Bailey Chapter American Pageant

2 FDR and World War II USS Shaw – Pearl Harbor – December 7th

3 Isolationism - Neutrality
Nye Committee Hearings –1934 Recommended Neutrality Gerald P. Nye (Rep., S.D.)

4 Neutrality Acts of ‘34, ‘35, ‘37 Intended to Keep U.S. out
of World War II by Restricting Loans or Sales of Weapons to Belligerents

5 Britain by Establishing
Neutrality Act of 1939 Intended to Help Britain by Establishing “Cash & Carry” Policy

6 America First Committee
1940 Charles Lindbergh

7 America First Committee
Opposed all Aid to Britain - Called FDR a “War Monger”

8 The Destroyer Deal - Sept. 1940
U.S. Gives Britain 50 old World War I Destroyers for Eight Naval Bases Used to Fight German U-Boats in the Atlantic.

9 FDR Breaks Two Term Tradition
1940 Election vs. Wendell Willkie, Republican Franklin Roosevelt, Democrat

10 Demands Jobs for Blacks in Defense Industry
March on Washington, 1941 A. Philip Randolph Demands Jobs for Blacks in Defense Industry

11 March on Washington, 1941 FDR Issues Executive Order 8802 Guaranteeing Blacks Jobs in Defense Plants

12 March on Washington, 1941 A. Philip Randolph would later organize the 1963 March on Washington where Martin Luther King, Jr. delivers his “I Have a Dream Speech” WWII Poster Promoting Racial Unity

13 The Four Freedoms Speech:
Delivered before Congress January 6, 1941 *from Fear *from Want *of Speech *to Worship

14 The Four Freedoms: from FEAR World War II Poster by Norman Rockwell

15 The Four Freedoms: from WANT World War II Poster by Norman Rockwell

16 The Four Freedoms: of SPEECH World War II Poster by Norman Rockwell

17 The Four Freedoms: to WORSHIP World War II Poster by Norman Rockwell

18 Atlantic Conference The Atlantic Charter: August 9-12, 1941
“…after the final destruction of the Nazi tyranny, (we) hope to see established a peace which will afford… all men … (the means to)… live out their lives in freedom from fear and want…”

19 Atlantic Conference Secret Agreement
USS Kearny 10/17/41 FDR promised Churchill that U.S. Navy ships would pursue and attack Nazi U-boats in the Atlantic until an incident was created to provide a cause for war. USS Reuben James 10/31/41

20 Pearl Harbor Attack 2,403 Servicemen Killed December 7, 1941

21 FDR Declares War December 8, 1941

22 Washington Conference
Dec. 22, 1941 to Jan. 14, 1942 FDR & Churchill adopt a policy of “Europe First” that considers Germany the greater danger than Japan.

23 Executive Order 9066 120,000 Japanese Americans Ordered Interned, 1942

24 Japanese American Internment
Dr. Seuss “Waiting for the Signal from Home….”

25 Japanese American Internment
CAUSED BY: Anti-Asian Racism Anger over Pearl Harbor Fear of “Jap” Invasion Fear of “Jap” Sabotage

26 War Propaganda Promoted Vigilance,
…sometimes this translated as mistrust.

27 War Propaganda Promoted Vigilance,
…sometimes this translated as social change. for African Americans… for women…

28 War Propaganda Promoted Vigilance,
…sometimes it urged harder work.

29 War Propaganda Promoted Vigilance,
…sometimes it urged conservation. “Step on it, kid, ya got gas and rubber to burn!”

30 Niesi Soldiers in U.S. Army
Daniel Inouye, 1st Lt., 442nd Regimental Combat Team later: U.S. Senator, Hawaii

31 North African Invasion
November 8, 1942

32 Casablanca Conference
January 14-23, 1943 The Allied Powers demand “Unconditional Surrender” from the Axis nations. Eisenhower & FDR

33 Invasion of Sicily & Italy
August 1943

34 Teheran Conference Stalin Roosevelt Churchill
November 28-December 2, 1943 Stalin Roosevelt Churchill

35 Accomplishments of Teheran:
Britain and U.S.A. to Open Second Front Against Nazis in Europe – D-Day Invasion Disagree Over Partitioning of Germany – Agreed to Occupation Zones Instead

36 Invasion of Europe – D-Day
June 6, 1944 – Normandy, France

37 Roosevelt’s Fourth Term, 1944
VS. Franklin Roosevelt, Democrat Thomas Dewey, Republican

38 Yalta Conference February 4-11, 1945 Churchill Roosevelt Stalin

39 Yalta Accomplishments:
Agree to Form United Nations Soviets to Attack Japan after Nazi Surrender Allies Unwilling Acquiesce to Soviet Dominance in Eastern Europe

40 Changing of the Guard: April 12, 1945 FDR: Died Warm Spring, GA.
Vice President Harry S Truman FDR: Died Warm Spring, GA.

41 VE Day – Victory in Europe
May 7, 1945 Nazis Surrender, New York Crowd Celebrates

42 Potsdam Conference Clement Atlee Harry Truman Joseph Stalin
July 16, 1945-August 2, 1945 Clement Atlee Harry Truman Joseph Stalin

43 Atomic Bombs Alamogordo, NM July 16, 1945 Hiroshima August 6, 1945
Nagasaki August 9, 1945

44 VJ Day – Victory Over Japan
Celebrations in Times Square, NYC, Aug. 14, 1945

45 FDR and World War II THE END USS Missouri

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