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Paper 1 Revision Anthology Quote analysis Part A – write up

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1 Paper 1 Revision Anthology Quote analysis Part A – write up
Poems to use in the comparison How to write the comparison Romeo & Juliet How to approach the extract question How to develop essays – content and structure

2 Part A – In the poem Owen explores ideas about war
Part A – In the poem Owen explores ideas about war. Write about the ways in which Owen presents war in the poem. (15) You will be given 3 minutes to create your own notes/highlighting. We will then discuss the poem before creating an answer.

3 Part A – In the poem Owen explores ideas about war
Part A – In the poem Owen explores ideas about war. Write about the ways in which Owen presents war in the poem. (15) In the first line of the poem Owen explores the difficult conditions the soldiers had to live through, describing them “like old beggars under sacks”. He uses this simile to emphasis how much they are suffering even when they are not under attack. Using “beggars” as a comparison allows the reader to understand the terrible condition they are in. Owen it trying to portray that they are obviously not looked after properly, criticising the lack of care by those in charge.

4 Poetry Comparison Poem Poems to use in the Comparison Similarities
Differences A Wife in London Love – Sonnet 43, She Walks in Beauty, Cozy Apologia, The Manhunt, Valentine, Afternoons War – Mametz Wood, Dulce et Decorum Est, The Manhunt, The Soldier

5 Romeo & Juliet Part A (15 marks) – 20 minutes How does the extract explore the theme of conflict?

6 Abram Do you bite your thumb at us, sir
Abram Do you bite your thumb at us, sir? Sampson I do bite my thumb, sir. Aside to Gregory Is the law of our side if I say ay? Gregory Aside to Sampson No. No, sir, I do not bite my thumb at you, sir, but I bite my thumb, sir. Do you quarrel, sir? Quarrel, sir? No, sir. But if you do, sir, I am for you. I serve as good a man as you. No better? Well, sir. Enter Benvolio.

7 Gregory Say “better,” here comes one of my master’s kinsmen
Gregory Say “better,” here comes one of my master’s kinsmen. Sampson Yes, better, sir. Abram You lie. Draw, if you be men. Gregory, remember thy washing blow. They fight. Benvolio Part, fools! Put up your swords, you know not what you do. Beats down their swords. Enter Tybalt. Tybalt What, art thou drawn among these heartless hinds? Turn thee, Benvolio, look upon thy death. I do but keep the peace. Put up thy sword, Or manage it to part these men with me. What, drawn and talk of peace? I hate the word As I hate hell, all Montagues, and thee. Have at thee, coward!

8 How does the extract explore the theme of conflict?
The play opens with the Capulet servants trying to intentionally cause conflict with their rivals, the Montague servants. When questioned Sampson admits, “I do bite my thumb, sir.” He is openly insulting his rivals in order to provoke a response from them. To “bite [your] thumb” was seen as offensive and by adding “sir” afterwards it gives it a sarcastic quality. Shakespeare wants to demonstrate at the very beginning of the play how important reputation was to the rival households and how male bravado was often the initial cause of conflict.

9 Essay Structures

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