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Econ 240 C Lecture 4.

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1 Econ 240 C Lecture 4




5 Outline Part I: Time Averages Part II: Autocovariance Function
Part III: Random Walk Part IV: Deciding Between a Random Walk Or an ARONE?

6 Practicum: Lab Two Natural Logarithm of the Rotterdam Import Price for Dark Northern Spring Wheat Trace Histogram Autocorrelation function




10 Practicum: Lab Two First difference of Natural Logarithm of the Rotterdam Import price for Dark Northern Spring Wheat Trace Histogram Autocorrelation function




14 Part I Stationarity and Time Averages

15 Many Observations of White Noise
Using simulation, we can create many different white noise time series of arbitrary length, say 1000 Using these time series we could average them at each point in time to obtain an average of the group or ensemble at that time, creating the mean function, m(t) = E wn(t).

16 Time Averages In economics, as a practical matter, we usually only have one observation of a time series In this case it is necessary to be able to average over time If the time series is stationary, then averaging over time makes sense

17 Five Simulated White Noise Time Series

18 Trace of Five Simulated White Noise Time Series

19 Ensemble Average


21 Appeal to Central Limit Theorem
If I had generated 100 or 1000 simulated white noise time series, then the ensemble average would come close to zero for every time period. Mean Function, m(t) =E X(t)

22 Ensemble Average

23 Ensemble Averages Are a Luxury Good in Economics
Need to consider time average Think of the time average for the first white noise time series

24 Time Average

25 Trace of Time Average

26 Mean Function For a Time Average
m = E WN(t) = c = 0

27 Time Average Will Not Work Well for an Evolutionary Time Series

28 Mean Function For An Evolutionary Time Series
M(t) = E x(t) is not independent of time

29 Part II Autocovariance Function E{ [x(t) - Ex(t)][x(t-u) - Ex(t)]} =
= gx,x(t,u) If a time series is covariance stationary, then gx,x(t,u) = gx,x(u) i.e. depends only on lag. Only relative time not absolute time counts.

30 Autocovariance of White Noise At Lag Zero
Autocovariance Function E{ [wn(t) - Ewn(t)][wn(t-0) - Ewn(t)]} E{ [wn(t) - m(t)][wn(t) - m(t)]} E{ [wn(t) - 0][wn(t) - 0]} E{wn(t)*wn(t)}

31 Autocovariance of White Noise At Lag Zero

32 Variance For Entire Series

33 Autocovariance of White Noise at Lag 1 = ?
Autocovariance Function E{ wn(t)*wn(t-1) } = gx,x(u=1) = ?


35 Average Cross Product For WN Series for 999

36 Autocovariance of White Noise at Lag 1 = ?
gx,x(u=1) = 0 Since white noise is independent as well as identically distributed

37 Autocovariance of White Noise at Lag 2 = ?
gx,x(u=2) = 0 Since white noise is independent as well as identically distributed

38 Theoretical Autocovariance, WN

39 Autocovariance, WN Theoretical Vs. Simulated

40 Autocorrelation Function
The Autocorrelation function is just a standardized autocovariance function, i.e. just the autocovariance function divided by the variance rx,x (u) = gx,x(u) / gx,x(0)

41 Simulated Autocorrelation Function, WN
WN Simulated Sample: Included observations: 1000 Autocorrelation Partial Correlation AC PAC Q-Stat Prob .| | | | .| | | | *| | *| | .| | | | .| | | | .| | | | .| | | | .| | | | .| | | | .| | | |

42 Part III Random Walk as an evolutionary process
RW(t) = RW(t-1) + WN(t) lag by one RW(t-1) = RW(t-2) +WN(t-1) Substitute for RW(t-1) RW(t) = RW(t-2) + WN(t) + WN(t-1)

43 Random Walk Lag again to obtain RW(t-2) = RW(t-3) + WN(t-2) and Substitute for RW(t-2) RW(t) = RW(t-3) + WN(t) + WN(t-1) + WN(t-2) etc. so RW(t) = current shock plus all past shocks with past shocks weighted equally to the current shock so a random walk has infinite memory

44 Random Walk RW(t) -RW(t-1) = WN(t) Z0 RW(t) - Z RW(t) = WN(t)
RW(t) = 1/[1-Z] * WN(t) RW(t) = [1 + Z + Z2 + …] WN(t) RW(t) = WN(t) + Z WN(t) + Z2 WN(t) + .. RW(t) = WN(t) + WN(t-1) + WN(t-2) + ...

45 Random Walk, Synthesis from White Noise
RW(t) 1/[1-Z] WN(t) RW(t) 1 + Z + Z WN(t)

46 Autocovariance of RW in Theory
gRW,RW(u) = E{RW(t) - ERW(t)][RW(t-u)- ERW(t) ERW(t) = E[WN(t) + WN(t-1) +…] = 0 gRW,RW(u=0) = E[RW(t)*RW(t)] gRW,RW(0) = E[WN(t) + WN(t-1) + WN(t-2) + ..]* [WN(t) + WN(t-1) + WN(t-2) + ..] gRW,RW(0) = [s2 + s2 + s2 + ….] =

47 Autocovariance of RW in Practice, Length 100
gRW,RW(u=1) = E[RW(t)*RW(t-1)] gRW,RW(1) = E[WN(t) + WN(t-1) + WN(t-2) + ..]* [WN(t-1) + WN(t-2) + WN(t-3) + ..] gRW,RW(1) = [s2 + s2 + s2 + ….] = 99 s2 rRW,,RW (1) = gRW,,RW(1) / gRW,,RW(0) rRW,,RW (1) = 99/100

48 Simulated Autocorrelation, RW
Simulated Random Walk Sample: 1 100 Included observations: 100 Autocorrelation Partial Correlation AC PAC Q-Stat Prob . |*******| |*******| . |*******| | | . |****** | | | . |****** | *| | . |***** | *| | . |***** | | | . |**** | | | . |**** | *| | . |*** | | | . |*** | | |

49 Part IV: Random Walk Vs. ARONE
X(t) = b*x(t-1) + wn How close to 1 is b?

50 Exchange Rate $/Euro

51 Exchange Rate $/Euro

52 Exchange Rate, $ Per Euro
Sample: 1999: :03 Included observations: 51 Autocorrelation Partial Correlation AC PAC Q-Stat Prob . |*******| |*******| . |****** | *| | . |***** | | | . |**** | |*. | . |**** | | | . |**** | | | . |*** | *| | . |*** | *| | . |** | *| | . |*. | *| | . | | | | . | | | | .*| | | | .*| | | | .*| | | | **| | | | **| | |*. | **| | **| | ***| | *| | ***| | | | ***| | |*. | ***| | |*. | ***| | | | **| | *| |

53 Hong Kong $ Per US $

54 Hong Kong $ Per US $ Hong Kong $ Per US $ Sample: 1981:01 2003:03
Included observations: 267 Autocorrelation Partial Correlation AC PAC Q-Stat Prob .|*******| |*******| .|*******| | | .|*******| | | .|*******| | | .|****** | | | .|****** | | | .|****** | | | .|***** | | | .|***** | | | .|***** | | | .|***** | *| | .|**** | *| |



57 Correlogram of Ratio of inventory To sales



60 Autocorrelation of Residuals from an ARONE model of Ratio of Inventory To Sales

61 First Difference of Ratio




65 Correlogram of dratinvsale



68 Correlogram of Residuals from ARONE model of First difference of The ratio of Inventory to sales

69 First order autoregressive
Arone(t) = b*Arone(t-1) + wn(t) Root of the deterministic diference equation: arone(t) –b*arone(t-1) = 0 Let x1-u = arone(t-u) x – bx0 = 0, x =b =root

70 Is b = 1? Regression: arone(t) = b* arone(t-1) + wn (t) , H0 : b=1
Equivalently, subtract arone(t-1) from both sides (1-z)arone(t) = (b-1)*arone(t-1) + wn(t), H0 : (b-1) = 0, i.e. b=1

71 The fly in the ointment As b approaches 1, the estimated parameter no longer has Student’s t-distribution Dickey and Fuller use simulation to derive the appropriate distribution

72 Ratio of inventory to Sales example of the Dickey-Fuller test

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