Writing a Scientific Research Article

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1 Writing a Scientific Research Article
Scientific Research Methodology

2 Language Academic language
A poorly written article with grammatical errors may not be accepted The entire manuscript should flow naturally between sentences, paragraphs, and sections. Outline the entire paper to provide a nice flow

3 Abstract 100 – 200 words (look up the guidelines) Key words
4 – 5 sentences Key words 1st sentence - Background, general question 2nd sentence – Research Question/Hypothesis 3rd sentence – Model and data 4th sentence – Results Find the general story of the results 5th sentence – Conclusion/Implications/Recommendations Depending on the purpose of the article

4 Introduction/Background
First 2 pages Global Statement: There is an important issue addressed Specific Statement: Frame the issue Significance (Contribution) Why is the topic important and interesting? What do you how to achieve Short summary of existing literature Some mentioning of methods and maybe hypotheses

5 Literature review Find a way to synthesize prior knowledge
Turn it into a story to support/inform your own research Comprehensive yet targeted to your study Contribution of your study What makes yours different from others?

6 Objectives Objectives Hypotheses to test
What do you want to accomplish with this study? Be specific and refined to narrow the emphasis Hypotheses to test How you address the research question Significance of coefficient in a model

7 Theoretical Model/Considerations
Theoretical framework (descriptive theory) Examples: Principal-Agent theory Asymmetric information Utility/Risk Return Risk Aversion Formulation of the model Constrained maximization Minimum problem Developments First Order Conditions Expected signs/relationships

8 Empirical Model Operationalize the theoretical model by choosing specification, functional form, variable measures, etc. Specify the empirical model Define variables for your study Justify their appropriateness Theoretically or Based on previous literature Provide expected relationship for each variable

9 Data Description of data Type and source of data
Secondary Primary Description of the sample Description of the variables Descriptive Statistics (table 1)

10 Method Types Econometric Simulation Qualitative; Institutional
Case study

11 Methods Identify the statistical model(s) used and explain it sufficiently Linkage with the statistical model Linkage with previous uses in the literature Indicate tests that need to be performed to get to the final statistical model Specify all the steps taken in the modeling process Make the explanation sufficient for replication

12 Results Restate the problem and model
Report results from testing of assumptions (if any) Provide main story Significance and key relationship from hypothesis test Significance and relationship of other variables (demographics…) Compare and contrast With previous literature, Previous expectations, Theory Were expectations matched? Why or Why not

13 Results (cont) Explain in words what was discovered in the research.
Clear, thorough, and in a logical sequence. Tell everything you know about the results; don’t just report the coefficient estimates and their significance. Interpretation of results may be included in this section or another section.

14 Conclusion/Policy Implications
Same structure as the abstract but with more emphasis on the results (longer than the abstract) Provide specific recommendations based on the finding for the study For whom is it useful? Provide Implications for policy, businesses, consumers, etc. that are linked to the results. How do they vary from previous research? Do the findings support or contradict previous research? Theories? How does the work move scientific knowledge forward Limitations (but don’t end with this)

15 References 100% correspondence between text and reference list
Give proper credit to those before you Plagiarism and copying are strictly forbidden Give proper credit to those before you. Reference style will be specified by the journal

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