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EE379K/EE394V Smart Grids: Advanced Metering
Jonathan Pettit, PE Oncor Electric Delivery Ross Baldick, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Spring 2017 Copyright © 2017
Outline Advanced Meters in Texas Advanced Meter Technology RF Mesh
Meter Data Flow Operational Impacts Customer Interaction Using Meter Data for Non-traditional Uses Conclusion Outline of agenda for lecture Advanced Metering is all about automation Copyright © 2017
Smart Meters are not… How many engineers we have in here? – engineer joke
Oncor Electric Delivery
9/19/2018 Oncor Electric Delivery Texas’ largest regulated transmission and distribution utility – 6th largest in the U.S. 117,000 miles of transmission and distribution lines 54,000 square miles of territory 7 million people 3.4 million meters ~ 100 customers (Retail Electric Providers – REPs) ~ 630 miles ~ 390 miles T&D company – no retail & no generation 7,000,000 customers 2,000,000 poles 1,000,000 transformers The only way a traditional electric utility makes money (only source of revenue) is by reading meters and then billing energy consumption. Advanced metering and the smart grid are the biggest changes to our industry in the last 100 years.
AMS Background Oncor’s AMS initiative evolved as a result of PUC regulations: Oncor launches its automated meter reading initiative and begins replacing traditional meters with automated meters. Texas Legislature approved HB 2129, encouraging the installation of Advanced Metering Systems 2005 2007 The Public Utilities Commission of Texas (PUC) adopts its advanced meter ruling, including specific technical and functional requirements for meters. Oncor’s automated meters are not compliant with the PUC’s new regulations and as a result, Oncor revises its automated meter reading initiative to become an advanced metering system that is PUC-compliant. How did we get here? Back in 2005, we started our automated meter (AMR) initiative. We put in 600,000 automated meters. Then, the Texas Legislature passed a law that basically said, “We want advanced meters.” In May 2007, the PUC issued a rule defining requirements for those meters. Requirements for cost recovery. Our AMR meters were not compliant with the new requirements, so we cancelled the program and started AMS, with the PUC’s approval. 2008 The PUC approves Oncor’s AMS program filing, including a surcharge to recover implementation costs.
What makes a Smart Meter in Texas?
9/19/2018 What makes a Smart Meter in Texas? Provides 15 minute interval data available on a historic “day after” basis Demand side management opportunities Ability to provide time-of-use signals to customers Control of selected appliances and equipment via a home area network (HAN) using ZigBee Smart Energy Profile (SEP) Provide energy consumption information to consumers via in-home monitors Ability to remotely disconnect/reconnect customers Ability to get “on demand” readings of customer meters Provide a common AMS web portal for customer, REP, or authorized third party, with access to historic customer data and HAN devices using SEP AMS Surcharge allows cost recovery during system deployment and for 7 years following (through 2019) Fully compliant with the technical requirements of Texas PUC rule Estimated $800 million capital spend Monthly rate of $2.19 per month for residential customers Common portal
Meter Options - Then One channel – kWh, analog
One read per month, manual For a standard self-contained meter, i.e. residential Pretty exciting here! Over time, they ran slow incorrectly recording meter consumption Have the ability to recover additional meter data, but you have to visit meter and use an optical probe (1132comm) at the meter Analog meters led to digital meters, then to automated meter reading (AMR) via one-way “drive by” or RF wireless Instrument rated – separate current transformers (CTs) and potential transformers (PTs) for larger commercial and industrial customers
Meter Options - Now Settings Programs Multiple channels available
Configurations Ability to modify meter attributes Software Operating system Metrology firmware RF Mesh firmware ZigBee firmware Meter Capabilities Solid State 15 minute interval data 96 readings per day Two way communication On demand reads Remote disconnect capability HAN enabled “Energy management device” Sensor Radio Capabilities RF Mesh 900 MHz Multiple frequency hopping Variable power settings ZigBee 2.4 GHz IEEE Events About 400 events Outages Restorations Power Quality Tampering / Fraud Configurable Log only Advisory Alarm Lots of pieces now, the meter joins the computer age Two-way communications is what defines advanced meters. With two-way you have the ability to “talk” to the meter, to query the meter for information, and the ability to receive acknowledgement and response messages. It allows us to remotely connect and disconnect meters It allows you to ask the meter for advanced meter data remotely and to run diagnostics. It allows you to update the meter firmware, programs, and configurations remotely. Two-way allows you to use meters as sensor devices.
Meter Options - Now Radio Capabilities RF Mesh 900 MHz
Multiple frequency hopping Variable power settings ZigBee 2.4 GHz IEEE Options for advanced meter communications: PLC – power line carrier, low frequency signal injection through AC lines, limited to bandwidth and frequency of transmission due to element overheating, very high cost for substation infrastructure cellular – commercial mobile technology, point-to-point, limited by coverage and ongoing O&M costs for service providers RF – radio frequency wireless, could be any band, licensed or unlicensed, most common is 900 MHz ( MHz), good bandwidth, meters now available in WiMax (limited deployment) HAN wireless is commonly ZigBee. ZigBee is an , similar to bluetooth in the 2.4, it is low power and low frequency low power consumption limits transmission distances to 10–100 meters line-of-sight, depending on power output and environmental characteristics Another option would be Z-Wave Both options are used in home automation systems these days
Meter Options - Now Meter Capabilities Solid State
15 minute interval data 96 readings per day Two way communication On demand reads Remote disconnect capability HAN enabled “Energy management device” Sensor Solid state meters have been around for decades – so this is not new Meter reads – register reads (normally midnight) and interval data (preset block – in Texas case 15 min) Two-way – ability to poll meter and receive acknowledgement and response Ability to query meter “on demand” for current readings and conditions Residential level meters have a remote disconnect switch preventing need to dispatch personnel each time connect or disconnect required Ability to transmit to local Home Area Network information regarding energy usage, providing customer ability to react to usage needs Sensor – ability to monitor many other conditions available through the meter on secondary system conditions Big Data – was 3.4 million lines of data per month, now 10 billion lines, 150 tB of data now, almost 6 trillion data points
Meter Options - Now Settings Programs Multiple channels available
Configurations Ability to modify meter attributes Software Operating system Metrology firmware RF Mesh firmware ZigBee firmware Programming determines what data channels are sent back Configurations are operating parameters (e.g. undervoltage sustained voltage time 30 seconds vs. 40 seconds) Four pieces of software – all this info needs to be maintained in host systems
Meter Options - Now Events Over 400 events Outages Restorations
Power Quality Tampering / Fraud Configurable Log only Advisory Alarm Many events - Categories like, security, metrology, communication, diagnostics, etc. Data is real, no guessing When did power really go out and when was power restored Voltage momentaries, sags and swells – other conditions related to power quality Ability to detect tampering and theft Configuration to send data as it occurs – alarm Advisory with periodic meter read pushes Log only – need to poll meter individually Meter self diagnosis – self check, then data can be remotely pulled
RF Mesh and Backhaul RF Mesh Network Backhaul Network Back Office
900 MHz Backhaul Network Satellite, microwave, cellular, fiber, and wide area network Routers Mounted on utility poles and street lights Back Office Collectors Mounted on 70 ft. concrete poles Four antennas on the top, and a control panel and backhaul communication box at the base Normally located in substations, within substation fence This is a simplified picture of the RF mesh: It’s a 900 MHz proprietary network that uses meters or routers to get the signal to the collector. The collectors are normally in substations so we have a power supply and can get the data to the back office, as shown here. Self-healing – when there is a break in the network, the device seeks and finds another route to communicate back to the back office, the meter may also change as needed for a better reliable connection IT Systems RF Smart Meters Installed in residential and commercial premises Meter-to-meter communication RF Mesh 900 MHz radios 1 W transmitter / receiver Self-healing network Auto registering devices Network can be shared with distribution automation devices Router Collector
Meter Data Flow 1 3 4 2 Read the Validate the Transmit the Meter
On-Demand Reads via In-Home Monitor LCIS DATA REPOSITORY HAN HAN Bill-Cycle Meter Data Smart Appliances Meter MDMS Premise & Billing Data Meter & Customer Account Data Collect the Meter Data Daily Meter Reads & Interval Usage Data RF Mesh Network Meter Transactions Meter & Customer Account Data Interval & Register Data HEAD END AMS ODS Market Settlement Data Meter Attributes RF Mesh Network Backhaul Network Meter Attributes AMS MAXIMO Meter Attributes Router Meter & Customer Account Data Let’s discuss how the meter data gets from the meter to the market: Again, we read the meter and that data flows inside your house and to the RF mesh, which is Landis+Gyr’s Gridstream network. L+G is our primary AMS vendor, supplying our meters and the related network equipment. The second box shows the data flow through the mesh—it might be through multiple meters or a series of routers. Eventually it goes to a collector at a substation and to the Head End, the software application that controls the meter and provides a way for us to get the data back to the home office. Once it’s at the back office, we validate and process the data through some of the applications shown here. Then, we transmit the data to the parties that need it—in this case, ERCOT, REPs, and consumers. Customer Account Data REPs Collector Smart Meter Texas Portal 2 Individual Account Data Oncor Internal Web Portal Consumer
Meter Data Flow – Read the Meter
Advanced Meter: Records energy usage at 15-minute intervals Transmits meter data to the premise HAN device via ZigBee Smart Energy 1.0 Transmits meter data to Oncor via the RF Mesh network In-home Monitor Receives meter data from the HAN Displays energy usage to the consumer in near real-time Communicates with the HAN to manage smart appliances Read the Meter 1 On-Demand Reads via In-Home Display Smart Appliances Connect to the HAN via ZigBee Smart Energy 1.0 Projects underway to bring smart appliances to market HAN HAN Smart Appliances Meter HAN wireless is commonly ZigBee. ZigBee is an , similar to Bluetooth in the 2.4, it is low power and low frequency low power consumption limits transmission distances to 10–100 meters line-of-sight, depending on power output and environmental characteristics An important note on the HAN. There are only a few production HAN devices available today for an individual to order, most come in from a energy management program. Oncor has a validation testing program and has passed around 60, with about twice that tested RF Mesh Network Home Area Network (HAN): Receives energy usage data from the advanced meter Sends meter data to the HAN device Communicates with smart appliances RF Mesh Network: Receives meter data Sends meter data to the router
Meter Data Flow – Collect the Meter Data
Router: Receives meter data from the RF Mesh network Forwards meter data to the appropriate collector Backhaul Network: Uses wide area network (WAN), fiber, microwave, or cellular components Forwards meter data to Head End Collect the Meter Data RF Mesh Network Daily Meter Reads & Interval Usage Data Meter Transactions Head End: Collects meter data Receives meter attributes from AMS Maximo Forwards meter data to the Meter Data Management System (MDMS) HEAD END RF Mesh Network Backhaul Network Meter Attributes Router Collector The router acts like a cell phone tower—sending the signal where it needs to be relayed. As many as 10,000 to 15,000 meters could route signals to a single collector. From there, the data is sent to the backhaul network and the back office, as shown here. Again, Head End is the vendor software that talks to and controls the meter. 2 Collector: Receives meter data from the router via the RF Mesh network Forwards meter data to Head End via the Backhaul network
Meter Data Flow – Validate the Meter Data
Meter Data Management System (MDMS): Receives the meter data from Head End Receives meter attributes from AMS Maximo Validates the accuracy and completeness of the meter reads through the process of validation, estimating, and editing (VEE) Provides estimates for any missing interval data Creates billing-quality data Sends bill-cycle meter data to LCIS Sends interval and register data to the AMS ODS database Customer Information System (CIS): Receives bill-cycle meter data from MDMS Receives meter attributes from AMS Maximo Ensures meter data complies with business rules Creates billing files Sends premise and billing data to AMS ODS Validate the Meter Data 3 CIS Bill-Cycle Meter Data MDMS AMS Operational Data Stores (ODS): Receives interval and register data from MDMS Receives premise and billing data from LCIS Integrates interval data and billing data to make analysis and reporting easier Sends meter and customer account data to the internal Web portal and the data repository Premise & Billing Data Meter & Customer Account Data Interval & Register Data AMS ODS Meter Attributes MDMS does the validating and produces billing-quality data. LCIS provides the premise and billing data. AMS ODS provides our long-term storage and provides data for reporting. AMS Maximo manages our assets. Our internal Web portal is used for reporting and analysis. AMS MAXIMO Meter Attributes Meter & Customer Account Data AMS Maximo: Maintains asset information and associated equipment Sends meter attributes to MDMS and AMS ODS Oncor Internal Web Portal: Receives the meter data from AMS ODS Provides data for internal reporting and analysis Oncor Internal Web Portal
Meter Data Flow – Transmit the Meter Data
4 Data Repository: Receives the meter data from AMS ODS Organizes and stores the meter data by REP Sends account data to the Smart Meter Texas Portal ERCOT: Uses the market settlement data to assess administrative fees, publish billing statements, and resolve disputes DATA REPOSITORY Meter & Customer Account Data REPs: Use the customer account data to bill customers, manage customer accounts, and support innovative new programs and pricing options Market Settlement Data Smart Meter Texas Portal: Provides self-service market settlement data to ERCOT Provides self-service customer account data to REPs and authorized third parties Provides self-service individual account data to consumers Once the meter data is valid and bill quality, we store it a data repository that can be accessed through the customer portal or Web services, which allows the REPs or ERCOT to access large amounts of data and register HAN devices. Customer Account Data REPs Smart Meter Texas Portal Consumers: Use their account data to make more informed choices about energy use Individual Account Data Consumer
9/19/2018 Operational Impacts From March 2009 through Dec 2016, Oncor has completed almost 17 million service orders remotely, instead of having to dispatch personnel and vehicles to perform these tasks. Conservatively, this has eliminated the need to drive over 114 million miles, saving almost 9.5 million gallons of fuel, preventing over 92,625 tons of CO2 from being released into the environment. In 2015, Oncor’s AMS processed 4.5 million service orders remotely with a 98.56% success rate, resulting in only 1.2% truck rolls. In 2016, there were 4.2 million remote service orders at a 98.78% success rate and only 1.4% truck rolls In 2016, Oncor averaging 363,000 AMS service orders a month. Of these orders, 96,500 are Pre-Pay Disconnects and Reconnects. Savings assumptions: 5 miles per service order 12 miles per gallon 19.5 lbs of CO2 per gallon Opt-Out for advanced meters 267 Reduced employee injuries by 96% and preventable vehicle accidents by 88%. Increased tampering identification/investigations. Increase distribution operational efficiencies. Service orders include: Move-Outs Move-Ins Disc for Non Pay Recon for Non Pay Rereads Switches Safety Stats : 76 PVA’s in 2009 vs. 9 PVA’s in 2013 (Rate 4.95 to .96) 24 DART’s in 2009 vs. 1 DART in 2013 (Rate 2.18 to .20) Seven years ago (before advanced meters were installed in Oncor’s service territory), the standard move-in charge cost $18; today it costs $2.26. A priority move-in (a move-in request prioritized by a quick timeline) charge cost $97 in Today, that amount has dropped to $2.47 – a 97% decrease. A meter connected on a holiday, it cost $123 in 2007 and was subject to scheduling by Oncor based on technician availability. Today, it costs $4.07 to remotely connect service, and it happens within hours. Overall, from a meter-related discretionary service perspective, full installation of advanced meters has reduced the cost to customers by $35 million annually.
Smart Meter Texas Portal
Historic 15 minute interval usage data HAN device provisioning On demand read Smart Meter Texas Portal Customers Separate GUIs Wires Company’s REPs Historic 15 minute interval usage data HAN device provisioning HAN messaging On demand read API Smart Meter Texas – NOTE: GUI - Graphical User Interface API - Application Programming Interface HAN - Home Area Network
Smart Meter Texas Customer visibility of data Data available:
15 min. interval data Daily register reads Billed consumption Ability to make an On Demand Read Ability to download data Ability to provision or deprovision HAN devices Every customer in deregulated part of Texas can create account Copyright © 2017
AMS and OMS At the onset of an outage Meters send a message after a 40 second outage AMS filters the message Ensures at least two meters on a transformer detects the outage Reduces electronic traffic to the OMS AMS sends filtered outage signals to OMS (faster and more dependable than customer calls) OMS – outage management system Includes a series of conditions, timers, and filters to minimize any false outages 25% of the time, problem is resolved before customer calls On Demand Read of meter to check line & load side voltage before rolling maintenance truck Once restoration is completed, the system sends us a notification On customer initiated outage calls, operators will validate Oncor’s service to the meter by on demand read
Power Quality Events received indicate a problem
Sometimes a meter, many times an indication of a problem on the distribution network Common issues Bad or loose connection Transformer issue Required a change to field resources training Planned outage less expensive than equipment failure Trust the data
Tampering / Theft (Revenue Protection)
AMS Meter Data DFNP w/lost & no midnight read Zero Consumption Negative KWH 240 Load Volts Reverse Rotation Estimated Lost Data analytics to detect theft Estimated Lost – Based on an estimated loss for three consecutive days/Loss should be bounced off OMS - This data is obtained from the daily non-comm service order process. If the meter has been estimating for three days or longer, is in LOST status, and is not cut at a higher level then a tampering order is created. Reverse Rotation – Communicating reverse rotation - L&G sends out a daily report identifying meters that have had reverse rotation detected or a tamper attempt suspected meter event occur. The next step is filtering out the legitimate reverse rotation (DRG meters, pump jacks, meters previously identified for legitimate usage). 240 Load Volts – Disconnected with 240 load volts on the load side - IBM Command Center Support team sends out a daily report of every meter in the disconnected switch status and the voltage received from when the remote disconnect occurred. This information is pulled from the database. A tampering order is sent out for every meter that has 240 voltage on the load side and line side. Negative KWH – Registering negative KWH - This process uses the negative consumption report that is produced weekly by Cognos. Orders are sent to the field after removing oil field accounts and premises with orders already created. The remainder is reviewed individually in LCIS. Zero Consumption - Registering zero consumption - Data management sends out a daily report that identifies any meter that had consumption on it in the past 7 days and then dropped to zero daily usage and did not have a disconnect on the meter. The list is then filtered down based on four days of continuous zero consumption, customer name, and premise description. AMS looks at the remaining meters individually and identifies the meters that have an alternating pattern where there have been multiple days of zero consumption. DFNP w/lost & no midnight read - DFNP with no midnight read and the meter went into lost status - Operations support sends out a daily report that lists every remotely disconnected meter and its reading at the time of disconnect for the previous seven days. The reading is then compared to the most current midnight reading. If there has been more than 1 KWH of consumption since the disconnect and no other tampering order has been created on the account, then a METR order is created to do a meter test. If there was no midnight reading and the meter is not in the LOST status, an on-demand read is sent to each meter to validate consumption and two-way communication. If there is no response from the on-demand read, a tampering order is created. If the meter is in LOST status and the premise is not cut at a higher level, then a tampering order is created.
Monitoring meters per distribution transformer Benefits:
Asset Health Monitoring meters per distribution transformer Benefits: Reduced outage time Reduced overtime Maintenance during normal business hours Replaced before the customer was affected – no customer call Predictive maintenance analysis correlation of instantaneous voltages on individual meters on a transformer Transformer winding damage – validated through TTR testing Voltage regulation issues Regulator or regulator control LTC or control Capacitor Load imbalance Damaged Meter The benefits of this program include: Reduced outage time (planned vs. reactive maintenance) Reduced overtime Transformers replaced during normal business hours Replaced before the customer was affected – no customer call Copyright © 2017
AMS as SCADA Interactive One-Line Schematic:
Fault Indication As-operated system configuration AMS Meter data pushed every 5 minutes Meter, three phase voltages and currents, Timestamp of last push, and customer Ability to request the above meter data for all downstream meters or all meters attached to the selected device Ability to determine the configuration of customer owned, automatic transfer switches, or split bus equipment using AMS meters SCADA – system control and data acquisition Simple Case Feeder B trips Local SCADA system suffers an outage as well Status of Switchgear & ATO are unknown Did the ATO throw-over? Typical ping of Meter 1 will report it is healthy, but this does not verify if it is carrying load Polling Meter 1 for voltage & current (or KW) will verify if ATO threw over. Voltage but no current -> ATO did NOT throw over Voltage & current -> ATO did throw over Copyright © 2017
System Reliability With sensors on every premise, data is collected for any electrical service change Meter interval data, outage and restoration notifications Near future: ability to calculate more accurate distribution system reliability Perhaps the most important utility measurement – how reliable is a utility system? SAIDI - System Average Interruption Duration Index (SAIDI) – ANSI standard for measurement Advanced meters provides the means to calculate a reliability number based on actual individual customer meters Currently, these calculations are done at a SCADA level – substation level and assumptions are made with confirmations by customer call and other indicators This is still in development Copyright © 2017
Summary An advanced metering system (AMS) brings a lot more than just the ability to read meters remotely. AMS enables a whole new set of data that can be used for engineering analysis and provide for new ways to improve a distribution system’s efficiency and reliability. Other examples: load flow analysis (used to be done as a calculation once a year, now have real data every day) Advanced meters can feed power outages and restorations to an outage management system allowing power company response teams to respond to outages without requiring customer calls. Meters send events that provide indication of other distribution system problems (power quality), such as loose connections, bad terminations, or possible transformer issues. Meters can provide indication of distribution asset health or transformer overloading on a real time basis. Tampering and theft can be identified based on multiple algorithms. Meters can be used as sensors providing SCADA-like indications for feeding operator responses. Finally, meters provide real data as to the reliability of a distribution system. Copyright © 2017
Homework Exercise: Due Thursday, March 9
1. Describe the three common technologies used in advanced metering communications. Describe why two-way communication is so important in advanced metering. Describe some ways that advanced meters can be used for more than customer usage billing. Copyright © 2017
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