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Monday, 12 October 2015 WELCOME BACK! 

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Presentation on theme: "Monday, 12 October 2015 WELCOME BACK! "— Presentation transcript:

1 Monday, 12 October 2015 WELCOME BACK!  Hello again, Vocabulary Wizards! Today we are going to try something a little different to kick off our new unit of vocabulary study. Let’s see if you can Use your EFFORT and CREATIVITY to think of words (NOT on this week’s list) that belong to the word families we will be studying this week to help you as you tackle our list today during class. Task: Beginning with part B of your Vocabulary Unit 3 Active Word List, list 2-3 words that you already know that you think belong to this week’s word families. If you feel ready to make an educated guess about the meaning of the roots, give it a try!

2 Monday, 12 October 2015 “Words We Already Know” Sharing/Review
Vocabulary Unit 3 Active Word List Work with your table group to match the vocabulary words for this week with their BEST definitions. You may choose to use a print dictionary or Mirriam-Webster Online (Linked to our class homepage under “Helpful Links”). Remember to use ALL your resources, including all definitions, synonyms and antonyms, parts of speech, and example sentences! When you think you have all words matched, check with a teacher and immediately begin on ws #1. Begin on Vocab 3 ws #1—If you finish early, use Quizlet to create flash cards and review games! Homework/Reminders: Finish Vocab ws #1 and bring all AR supplies tomorrow!

3 Vocabulary Unit 3 HIB/HAB – (L) “to have, hold”  1.   prohibit (v)= to stop one from doing something 2.   inhibit (v)= to get in the way of; to hinder FUS/FOUND – (L) “to pour out” 3.   suffuse (v)= to fill up from within; spread throughout 4.   confound (v)= to confuse and frustrate 5.   infuse (v)= to inject; fill something or someone with TEN/TAIN/TIN – (L) “to hold” 6.   sustain (v)= to support for an extended period of time 7.   abstain (v)= to not do something; refrain 8.   tenacious (adj)= stubbornly persistent; determined holds onto things – doesn’t let it go 9.   retinue (n)= a group that attends an important person like an “entourage” PLE – (L) “to fill” 10.   replete (adj)= filled up with to the point of overflowing 11.   implement (v)= to put into action 12.   deplete (v)= to use up; waste

4 Tuesday, 13 October 2015 Today we are going to kick off our AR reading for the 2nd quarter. Your point goal will be due before you leave for Christmas Break. Remember, this is an ongoing assignment that is dependent on you reading for 30 minutes a day. Take the INITIATIVE to get all materials and information prepared and ready to be successful this quarter. Task: Log in to AR and look up your reading Lexile range (ZPD) and point goal for this quarter. Record this information in the TOP section of your log. THEN, flip over the log and record some titles of books you would be interested in reading this quarter.

5 Tuesday, 13 October 2015 Library Visit Reading time
Remember to use your book buddy to help with recommendations that will help you reach your goal. Bring your iPad and AR log with you to look up the book’s Lexile. Follow the HOT and NOT list expectations Take a seat and begin reading when you find it. Reading time Vocabulary Unit 3 WS 1 review/check Homework/Reminders: AR is a quarterly and ongoing assignment. Get into a routine early to prepare you to be successful. It is dependent on you reading 30 minutes a day.

6 Tuesday, 13 October 2015 Welcome back! To get ready for class today, pick up the Diagnostic Test and answer sheet from the cart by the door. Find a WISE seat, fill your personal information in to the blanks at the top of the answer sheet, and wait for further instruction  Reading Comprehension Diagnostic Test Write only on your answer sheet Take your time—you can use today’s class period as well as tomorrow’s as needed. When you finish, turn in the diagnostic test to Mrs. G-S. AR Reading time/ Vocabulary Review time

7 Wednesday, 14 October 2015 Today, we are going to focus on the development of characters in writing—characterization. This means that we need to use our CREATIVITY and RESOURCEFULNESS to think like writers  Lauren Sapala, the author of Peel Back the Mask of your Protagonist, a book for writers about writing, states, “Think of your character as a jewel that has about a thousand different facets. If you keep turning them over and exploring new sides, you’ll keep discovering new information about their personality and motivations. And there’s always another way to turn things. There’s always another side to explore.” Task: Think of characters from all different sorts of literature (short stories, novels, plays, poems, songs, video games, graphic novels, and film) that really grabbed you. COLLABORATE with your table group to briefly discuss the characters you have been most interested in and what made them so darn fascinating.

8 Wednesday, 14 October 2015 Direct and Indirect Characterization Mini-lesson and Notes PRACTICE! Read and annotate “The Lady or the Tiger?” by Frank Stockton Homework: Finish reading (or rereading) “The Lady or the Tiger?” and complete your annotations as needed—we will continue work on this story tomorrow!

9 There are two types of characterization: direct and indirect
Characterization is the process by which the author reveals the personality of the characters and things that make the character unique. There are two types of characterization: direct and indirect

10 Indirect Characterization: S.T.E.A.L
There are FIVE different methods of indirect characterization: 1) SPEECH: (dialogue) What does the character say? How does the character speak? 2) THOUGHTS: What is revealed about the character through their private thoughts and feelings. 3.)EFFECT on others toward the character: What is revealed through the character’s effect on people? How do other characters feel or behave in reaction to the character? 4) ACTIONS: What does the character do? How does the character behave? 5) LOOKS: What does the character look like? How does the character dress? Indirect characterizations are like CLUES about the characters. There is NO MYSTERY with direct characterization because the author gives us the information we need to know!

11 Let’s Practice! Direct or Indirect:
The patient boy and quiet girl were both at the game. Direct: The narrator is telling us that the boy is patient and the girl is quiet.

12 Direct or Indirect: “Hey, we can have lots of fun at camp this summer! I love being outside!” Indirect: Speech- What does the character say? How does the character speak? This shows us the character is upbeat and happy.

13 He was bored. He was tired of waiting in line.
Direct or Indirect: He was bored. He was tired of waiting in line. Direct: The reader doesn’t have to guess (or infer) how the character feels. The narrator tells the reader how the character feels.

14 Direct or Indirect: I wish it would stop raining. I am tired of sitting inside, he thought to himself. Indirect: Thoughts-What is revealed through the character’s thoughts and feelings? This shows us the character is not happy about the situation.

15 The boy glared at his sister as she ate his dessert.
Direct or Indirect: The boy glared at his sister as she ate his dessert. Indirect: Effect on Others- What is revealed through the character’s effect on other people? How do other characters feel or behave in reaction to the character? This shows us that the character is upset about his sister’s behavior and her inability to think of others.

16 The girl rode the lawn mower through the house and into the garage.
Direct or Indirect: The girl rode the lawn mower through the house and into the garage. Indirect: Actions- What does the character do? How does the character behave? This shows us the girl is not concerned with rules or safety.

17 Direct: The character tells the reader that he is beautiful.
Direct or Indirect: I am beautiful. Direct: The character tells the reader that he is beautiful. ALSO Indirect: What do we learn about the character through this internal thought? Is he vain? Confident? Stuck up?

18 Direct or Indirect: The little girl left the game with slumped shoulders and a frown on her face. Indirect: Looks- What does the character look like? How does the character dress? This shows us the little girl is not enjoying herself and is upset.

19 Open the story: While reading, annotate and talk to the text.
From my website – Class Readings/downloads – “The Lady or the Tiger” While reading, annotate and talk to the text. Highlight confusions Highlight DIRECT and INDIRECT Characterization about each character—the king, the princess, and the young man—as you begin to talk to the text, identify each example as direct or indirect and what it is revealing about that character. Keep talking to the text! Be sure you are asking questions for your confusion and marking DEF for definitions. Make comments about what stands out to you, etc.

20 Wednesday, 14 October 2015 Welcome back! To get ready for class today, retrieve your folder, find a WISE seat, and finish your reading comprehension diagnostic test  Reading Comprehension Diagnostic Test Write only on your answer sheet Take your time—you can use today’s class period as well as tomorrow’s as needed. When you finish, turn in the diagnostic test to Mrs. G-S. AR Reading time/ Vocabulary time

21 What happened in the story, “The Lady or the Tiger?”
Thursday, 15 October 2015 Yesterday you learned about direct and indirect characterization. Remember, this is the process in which the author brings the characters to life for the reader. We analyze this development by looking deeper into the text to identify WHO our characters really are using clues from the text and what the narrator tells us directly. We are going to do that today with our 3 main characters in “The Lady or the Tiger?” Task: What happened in the story, “The Lady or the Tiger?” Open your text, and quickly review yesterday’s story. In ONLY 20 words (no more) summarize the story and highlight the main events that took place. Fill in the blanks provided on your sheet.

22 Thursday, 15 October 2015 Discuss “The Lady or the Tiger?”
Direct and Indirect Characterization Practice Vocabulary Unit 3 WS 2 Homework: Complete the Vocabulary unit 3 WS 2 tonight. Remember your quiz is tomorrow and this practice will help you study effectively

23 Review Direct and Indirect Characterization
Pick up the characterization practice sheet on your table, and answer questions 1-2 using your note sheet from yesterday. Next, open up the story and finish annotating for evidence of characterization. You should highlight examples of DIRECT and INDIRECT characterization about each character—the king, the princess, and the young man. In the margin, identify each as direct or indirect and explain what the evidence reveals about the character.

24 Who is the Young Man? Direct Characterization
Indirect Characterization

25 Who are the King and Princess?
With your group, fill in the chart using the young man as an example. Look through the text and find examples of text that describe each character. Decide if the evidence is using direct or indirect characterization. Use the textual evidence to support your description of each character, and explain what it reveals about the character. Direct Characterization Indirect Characterization The King The Princess

26 Bring your AR books  Go get them!
Friday, 16 October 2015 Welcome Vocabulary Experts! Today you will test your skills and show what you know! Bring your AR books  Go get them! Task: Task Turn in your Vocabulary WS 2 and study your active word list to prepare for your quiz.

27 Friday, 16 October 2015 Vocab Unit 3 Quiz  Be sure to answer all questions and follow ALL directions. When you finish: Finish your direct/indirect characterization chart and turn it in to the bin Begin silently reading your AR book Weekly Journaling: “The Lady or the Tiger?” Ending Rewrite

28 The Lady or the Tiger Finish the story, “The Lady or the Tiger?” It may or may not involve opening a door. The ending must be supported by the text. You do not need to quote the text but you must decide (based on the characters at hand) what they would have done in the situation. Based on direct and indirect characterization from the story that you studied yesterday, decide what the characters would have done. Write at least three, well-written paragraphs. Be creative and have fun with it!

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