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PAST HABITS: USED TO Use used to to talk about past habits, situations or states: We used to go out every night (habit) We used to live in the city (situation)

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Presentation on theme: "PAST HABITS: USED TO Use used to to talk about past habits, situations or states: We used to go out every night (habit) We used to live in the city (situation)"— Presentation transcript:

1 PAST HABITS: USED TO Use used to to talk about past habits, situations or states: We used to go out every night (habit) We used to live in the city (situation) We used to be city people (state) *We can also use would/wouldn’t to talk about past habits, as long as we are talking about actions and not states or situations.

2 + We used to live in the city - She didn’t use to like the country
+ We used to live in the city - She didn’t use to like the country ? Did you use to go out every night? Yes/NO Yes, we did / No, we didn’t

3 Don’t use used to or would to talk about:
A single past action: I used to/would go to a great exhibition yesterday. I went to a great exhibition yesterday. How long an action lasted: I used to live in the city for three years. I lived in the city for three years. The number of times an action was repeated in total: We used to/would visit the museum at least a hundred times. We visited the museum at least …

4 BE USED TO & GET USED TO BE USED TO Use be used to to explain that someone is familiar with a situation or a routine: I’m used to staying in bed late.

Use get used to to explain that someone is in the process of becoming familiar with a situation: I’m getting used to working early in the morning.

6 When you use used to as a verb, it is followed by the infinitive:
USED TO BE/GET USED TO When you use used to as a verb, it is followed by the infinitive: I used to work nights. You can only use used to as a verb to talk about the past. Use be/get used to with a noun or a verb+-ing. I’m used to spicy food. I’m used to eating spicy food.

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