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Presented by Edna Davoudi and Brooke Porter

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Presentation on theme: "Presented by Edna Davoudi and Brooke Porter"— Presentation transcript:

1 Presented by Edna Davoudi and Brooke Porter
GENDER Presented by Edna Davoudi and Brooke Porter

2 Feminist Schools of Thought
Equity Feminism Gender Feminism

3 Sex Differences Examples of differences between men and women.
Spatial tasks Language skills Interpersonal skills

4 Sex Differences Examples of similarities among men and women.
Intelligence Others

5 The Blank Slate Theory Argument against the blank slate theory for feminism. Testosterone shot experiment John Money experiment Turner’s syndrome example.

6 Women in the Work Field Salary issues for women
Argument against 50/50 ratios. Injustices of women should be stopped. Discrimination against women are not doubted. Qualifications of women. Economics and politics in the work field.

7 Rape Rape is not for sex. Men want to have sex with women.
Some men will use violence to get anything they want.

8 Rape Men rape to further the interests of their gender.
Consequences of rape

9 Critical Review Strengths Weaknesses Should Be’s
Three points not in dispute Qualifications vs. 50/50 Weaknesses Motivations of rapists Organization No statistical evidence

10 Thank you for your participation!!
Edna and Brooke

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