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Review Game Organ donation & What should you do

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1 Review Game Organ donation & What should you do
Obj: I will review key concepts and vocabulary on Organ donation and response to health and emergency situations

2 Question In order, what are the procedures of organ donation?

3 Answer Pronounced dead
Continues to stay connected to machines which will keep healthy organs alive Hospital and organ donation agency will offer the option of organ donation. Additional consent is needed by a family member Tests are completed to assess what organs and tissues are healthy for transplant Surgical teams from the transplant centers receiving the organs arrive for organ recovery surgery. Patient is taken to the operating room where organs and tissues are removed, cooled, and preserved with a special solution Transplant teams immediately return to their hospital to perform the transplant surgeries on the recipients. Body is sent to funeral home Family will receive general information about the recipients of organs and tissues, excluding name

4 Question What are the local and state resources for organ donation and what are their responsibilities?

5 Answer OPO (organ procurement organization):
local organization contacted by the hospital to organize the organ donation process. UNOS (United Network for Organ Sharing): Maintains the national transplant waiting list Receives information on organs/tissues healthy for transplant and matches potential recipients

6 What are the benefits of organ donation?
Question What are the benefits of organ donation?

7 Answer Save lives Improve the quality of others’ lives
Further medical research Helps the grieving family

8 In order, what are the steps to responding to an emergency situation?
Question In order, what are the steps to responding to an emergency situation?

9 Answer Check the scene to see if it is safe to enter
Look for signs of the cause of the problem Tap the victim and ask “Are you okay” Call or ask someone to call 911 If no response, check for breathing If person is not breathing, perform CPR. Look for obvious signs of injury

10 What should you do if you are stabbed?
Question What should you do if you are stabbed?

11 Leave the knife in, cover the wound, and go to the hospital
Answer Leave the knife in, cover the wound, and go to the hospital

12 What should you do if someone tries to abduct you?
Question What should you do if someone tries to abduct you?

13 Answer Scream, fight, and do whatever it takes to make sure that you do not get in the car.

14 How would you tell if a mole may be cancerous melanoma?
Question How would you tell if a mole may be cancerous melanoma?

15 Answer The mole changes in color, has ragged borders, or an asymmetrical appearance

16 Question What would you do to make an open wound stop bleeding? The wound is not life-threatening.

17 Answer Apply direct pressure to the wound with clean gauze and elevate it for 5 to 7 minutes.

18 Question What would you do if you are home alone and start choking on a piece of candy?

19 Answer Roll your shoulder and thrust your back against the wall. If that does not work, hurl yourself against a table edge, targeting the area of your abdomen just below your ribs

20 Question What would you do if you are at a party and a friend overdoses on painkillers?

21 Answer Call 911 and perform CPR if necessary

22 Question What are the health and social consequences of body piercings and tattoos?

23 Answer Health & Social Consequences of Tattoos and Body Piercings
Health Consequences to Tattoos and Piercing: Blood-borne diseases (Hep B, Hep C, HIV) Allergic Reaction Keloids (red raised scaring caused by excessive tissue repair) Social Consequences of Tattoos and Body Piercings: Could affect future employment Judgment from others

24 Question What are strategies for a safe and effective exercise program?

25 Answer A safe and effective exercise program
Make exercise program age and fitness level appropriate Wear appropriate exercise clothes and shoes Start with dynamic warm-up Begin cardiovascular exercise slow and build up to target heart rate 5. Cool down to bring heart rate down 6. Static stretching 7. Drink plenty of water

26 Question How could you prevent heat exhaustion? How would you respond to heat exhaustion?

27 Answer Preventing and Responding to Heat Exhaustion
Avoiding/Preventing heat exhaustion: Wear lightweight and light colored clothing when exercising Gradual exposure to heat and outdoors Do not exercise in the heat of the day Take breaks to drink water How to respond to heat exhaustion: Move the victim to a cool place Gently spray the body with cold water Give the victim a sports drink or water

28 Question How could you prevent heat stroke? How would you respond to heat stroke?

29 Answer Preventing and Responding to heat stroke
Avoiding/Preventing heat stroke: Wear lightweight and light colored clothing when exercising Stay hydrated Do not exercise in the heat of the day How to respond to heat stroke: Call 911 move the victim to a cool place cool the person with a wet sheet or cloth CPR if needed.

30 Answer How could you prevent hypothermia?
How would you respond to hypothermia?

31 Answer Preventing and Responding to Hypothermia
Avoiding/ Preventing Hypothermia: Dress in warm clothing. Wear several layers Avoid long exposure to cold temperatures Take breaks to “warm up” indoors Stay active if outdoors (exercise warms the body) How to respond to Hypothermia: Call 911 Provide CPR if needed Move the person out of the cold Remove wet clothing Warm them with blankets

32 Question What are methods for good sleep at night?

33 Answer Methods for adequate sleep
Establish consistent sleep schedule Early afternoon naps should be 30 minutes or less. Create a dark, quiet, and cool environment No caffeine in the evening Take a hot shower or bath before bed Reduce visual stimulus (computer games, video games) in the evening Exercise in the morning or early afternoon but not in the evening

34 Question What are the effects of dehydration? How can you prevent dehydration?

35 Answer Effects and Prevention of Dehydration
Effects of Dehydration: Weakness/Fainting Muscle cramps Weak or rapid pulse Confusion Inability to sweat Decrease in urine Prevention: Drink 8 cups of liquid per day = 64 fl oz = 2 liter bottle

36 Question What are the effects of good hydration?

37 Answer Effects of good hydration
Transport nutrients Removes waste Hydrates skin Lubricates joints Aids in digestion

38 Question What are the risks of driving ATVs and motorcycles?

39 Answer Risks of driving ATVs and motorcycles
By wearing a helmet a person reduces their risk of death by 37% and reduces the risk of head injury by 69%. Risks of driving motorcycles and ATVs Death Fracture head injury spinal cord injury open wound

40 Question What are ways to prevent communicable diseases such as the flu?

41 Answer Preventing the flu
Wash hands often Get a yearly flu vaccine Do not have close contact with anyone with flu-like symptoms until they are fever free for at least 24 hours. Keep household surfaces clean

42 Question Why is it important to have regular health screening? What are some examples of regular health screening? What level of control is it?

43 Answer Importance of health screenings and early detection
There are 3 levels of control: Primary prevention: what you do (eat healthy, exercise, etc.) Secondary control: early detection (medical exams and self exams) Tertiary control: treatment Examples of Secondary Control: Practice regular breast and testicular exams Get a physical exam (blood pressure, cholesterol, blood sugar levels, and any issues related to your family history) Get a pelvic exam and pap smear Get a mammogram

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